The gnarly-looking predators known as Pampaphoneus Biccai roamed South America 265 million years ago. Researchers working together found an “exquisitely preserved” 265 million-year-old set of fossils from the creature, including the skull. They lived 40 million years before dinosaurs appeared on Earth, insofar as anyone knows.
The fossil was found in Sao Gabriel with a complete skull and some bones, including rib and arm bones. They studied and cleaned the skull for three years.
“This animal was a gnarly-looking beast, and it must have evoked sheer dread in anything that crossed its path,” said study co-author Stephanie E. Pierce, a professor in the Department of Organismic and Evolutionary Biology at Harvard University – a curator at the school’s Museum of Comparative Zoology. “Its discovery is key to providing a glimpse into the community structure of terrestrial ecosystems just prior to the biggest mass extinction of all time. A spectacular find that demonstrates the global importance of Brazil’s fossil record.”
They are one of four clades – species that lived at the time. Researchers believe it was three meters in length (about three yards) and weighed about 400 kilograms or over 880 pounds.
It’s only the second one found in South America. It served the same purpose as a cat and had sharp canine teeth. It was strong enough to chew bones. It looks like an alligator.
They may not be pretty, but they are impressive. They were the oldest and largest creature in Brazil at the time.
Peter… Only disagree with this part which seems a little cynical for a Christian. “There is no natural goodness in us.” Babies are normally totally loving when they’re born.
Everything else spot on. What the Marxists don’t say about Marx. Marx allowed two of his children to die because he wouldn’t get a job. He wanted to go to library to write. We know that because his German aristocrat wife wrote a friend that there was no food and that her babies were suckling blood from her breast. Despicable man! There were only eight people at his grave site for burial.
Up until late 1820s the world believed in creation. In late 1820s a pastor opined that maybe God also used evolution. The seed was planted. I’m thinking that was in Skousen’s Naked Communist and Capitalist series.
Darwin was not convinced his “The Origin of Species” was fact. He wrote letters indicating that it was merely a theory and the “only” way it could be proven was if there was a “change of species” which has never occurred.
I never cared for the answer, “because the Bible says so”, that’s never proves anything to a doubter and especially to a devout atheist.
All through my life I had remembered the fifth grade biology (1958) teaching evolution that the dinosaurs lived 25,000 years ago while attending church being taught creation. The biology teacher taught that it was science and the church taught it was because the Bible said so.
A few years after my vacation in sunny steamy Vietnam I learned they taught dinosaurs lived 70 million years ago. That peaked my interest even more. Quite a change it was.
After forced retirement I studied and researched the subject creation or evolution? No doubt about it “scientifically” its creation. I perused both subjects. Again no doubt creation.
One item of interest, (there’s many), there’s a smaller canyon in USA that has nearly identical layers as the Grand Canyon according to geologists. The difference: Grand Canyon 40 million years to create, the smaller canyon created beginning 1983! How could the smaller canyon have same layers as Grand Canyon if created less than 60 years ago? You can thank the Mount St. Helens volcano eruption for that.
There is much info about creation available for the soul that doubts creation. Here’s another tid bit to ponder.
Over the years I’ve heard people, even priests/pastors say a “day” could be a thousand or even a million years. In Hebrew that is true. However most are not aware that translating what Moses dictated from God “The Tora” has been historically very difficult since written in Hebrew. Hebrew has no vowels. One example in the Bible the pilgrims carried “The Geneva Bible” the commandment “thou shall not kill” should have said “murder” instead of kill. Same with King James Version published after Geneva Bible. The latest version King James says murder. The Bible has been translated into English over 500 times. There are many omissions in various translations.
In Hebrew for translating the word for “day” must be considered in context. Although “day” can mean, 24 hours, or even a 1,000 years. When reading an accurate translation of creation it refers to the morning and evening of each day that God endeavored the creation. The key is the original writings in Hebrew reflects each day started in morning and in the evening God looked on what he’d done and said “it was good” … hence the word “day” in Hebrew translated in context means day was “24 hours” therefore God’s creation took seven 24 hour days.
There’s many more things in science that prove creation to be the scientific answer, NOT evolution.
A great believer in creation, Ken Hamm, visionist and creator of the marvelous ARK replica in Kentucky debated an atheist. When the atheist asked Ken, “How do you know”, Ken responded “because the Bible says so”. I thought, no devout atheist will believe that. I couldn’t understand why he would answer that way. But I must thank Ken Hamm for that because it inspired me even more to dig for the scientific answers which there are many.
Peter I assume you’re aware of the info in my comment. I merely wanted to add to your comment.
Personally I think is a bunch of rubbish. The dating is based on false presumptions and relies on the very unscientific theory of evolution, now a key part of humanism, the philosophy that is destroying the USA. There are so may true scientific proofs of a young CREATED world that humanists try to bury. Take a look at and be amazed to discover how much lying rubbish has been crammed down your throat.
Further, Humanism falsely declares that all humans are inherently good. We are not. We are self-centred, selfish individuals from conception. There is no natural goodness in us.
Humanism rejects ‘religion’ and throws Christianity into that class.
Karl Marx is famous — or perhaps infamous — for writing that “religion is the opium of
the people” (which is usually translated as “religion is the opiate of the masses” ). 20230913 GMT 22:29
Interesting the this site often warns of the dangers of Marxists (communists).
As more and more turn away from Christianity and it’s principles, the further the USA deteriorates. That is what happened in what I would now call ‘post Christian’ Europe.
The Bible has been attacked as ‘fake news’ or ‘fake history’. It is neither! Not one statement of the Bible, either historical fact or other fact has ever been scientifically disproved.
If I am going to put my faith in something, it will not be in the theories of sinful people, but rather in the revelation of the Creator. While trusting the Bible, I find many who would interpret the Bible to be dishonest people who try to put their own wisdom over the clear statements of the Bible.
Unabashedly a follower of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit as revealed in the Bible.