Air Force Teaches CRT & Myth of Declaration of Independence


Judicial Watch sued the Pentagon for Air Force Academy instructional materials. What was in them is worse than people could imagine. They include presentations on critical race theory, white privilege, and black lives matter. They also attack the American “creation myth” of the Declaration of Independence.

President of Judicial Watch, Tom Fitton, said you would not believe the Marxist drivel being touted at the Air Force Academy. “I genuinely fear for the future of our military,” he said.

He received 478 pages of records from the US Air Force Academy, which is part of the United States Department of Defense.

The records include a presentation titled “Political Psychology: Prejudice and Racism. On a slide labeled race and partisanship is a bullet stating: “Opposition to interracial dating correlated with white partisanship after Obama’s election despite being unrelated to party identification in previous decades period.”

it includes a set of tables with the headline white Americans. Support for democratic candidates for president as a function of old-fashioned racism. Another slide depicts tables that purport to show correlations between Republican Party identification and old-fashioned racism among white Americans.

There are slides that correlate a lack of empathy towards people of color with white identity. Slides as suggest white identity supports not giving voting rights to black people. Another one says white identity supports political violence.

Another slide discusses the “‘Myth’ of American Peoplehood” with one bullet claiming: “The U.S. too has a creation myth: The Declaration of Independence declares that all men have rights endowed by their Creator; Ideas of social contracts forged in a state of nature.”

Read for yourself on this link.




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