ALA President Plans “Subversion” of “Normal” Families


According to The Federalist, The American Accountability Foundation, a conservative nonprofit, published a video and memo of radical quotes from Marxist Lesbian Emily Drabinski. She is the president of the powerful American Library Association (ALA).

The library coordinates programs at libraries all across America.

The self-described lesbian Marxist, calls conservatives and parents “far right, white supremacist, fascist,” an “angry white mob,” and the “Christo-fascist right.”

She said subverting normal families is part of her queerness.

Libraries are “good places that do all kinds of things that people on the right don’t like,” Drabinski said on the “Citations Needed” podcast in March, according to the report.

The left meets little resistance pushing pornographic books in children’s libraries by calling people names and claiming they’re banning books. They have government backing.

Christian groups are trying to stop her influence. They raised awareness and two states have withdrawn from the ALA – Missouri and Texas.

Marxists are in key positions throughout the country and they’re destroying the country. They’re subversives with no one slowing them down, much less stopping them.



  1. POP QUIZ!
    Everyone site down! Be quiet!!!

    This is only one question of historical importance. It WILL count against the Judgement of your mortal soul. It WILL be an “inconvenient truth”.

    In the old Weimar Republic, which library titles were burned?

    1. Apollodorus 1.6.3
    2. .Pinchus’ Peculiar Parts
  2. The problem for these people is when they destroy society they don’t eat.
    Good luck with that.
    Next time you are in a library, check out How to Grow a Potato, and DIY Plumbing.


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