Prominent attorney and Professor Emeritus of Harvard, Alan Dershowitz, who is no Trump supporter, said that the Trump indictment has problems with the 1st and 6th Amendments. The President has the right to address what he believes is election fraud. He also has a right to speak and express his opinion. The Supreme Court has held that there are no wrong opinions.

Jack Smith told a blatant lie, Dershowitz said on Rob Schmitt’s Newsmax show this evening. When Smith described the January 6th riot, Smith left out the fact that the President told the crowd to march “peacefully and patriotically.” A lie by omission is as bad as any lie.
Dershowitz then addressed the KKK statute. If the court ruled that Smith misused the statute because it violates Trump’s 1st Amendment rights, he himself could be indicted, not that he would be. Dershowitz just wanted to explain how open-ended this statute is. It’s “dangerous.”
The judge in the Trump case should recuse herself. She worked at a firm where Hunter was on the board. Additionally, she was appointed by Obama.
She worked at the Boies Shiller firm, which is the most corrupt in the country and has more charges against them than any firm. This is where she learned her ethics.
“I can’t imagine a worse person to oversee this case,” he said, adding that this is a “radical Democrat firm.”
Dershowitz said there is no way Donald Trump could get a fair trial in D.C.
The liberal attorney wrote in Daily Mail:
“Yes, Trump’s behavior following his 2020 loss was wrong. But was it criminal?
‘Not on the basis of what I’ve seen thus far.
‘Have no doubt, corrupting the U.S. justice system to punish a former president and current candidate nudges the country ever closer to tribalism, chaos and collapse.’
“…prosecutor Jack Smith has a history of bringing speculative cases.
“He won a corruption conviction against former governor of Virginia, Robert McDonnell, in 2014, only for it to be overturned by the U.S. Supreme Court in a unanimous 8-0 decision.
“The Court concluded that there was no explicit proof of the charges and warned that ‘the uncontrolled power of criminal prosecutors is a threat to our separation of powers.’
These radical leftists had to go back to the Civil War and use laws meant to protect black people to indict Donald Trump. They think nothing of perverting the law.
Dershowitz you claim your motives are driven by adherence to the Constitution yet you vote democrat who are unraveling the Constitution. Before I listen to your lukewarm, sideline ovations, can you explain/unexplain the inconsistency?
What are you doing to help your party come about?
Will Dershowitz join Trump’s legal team to fight this corruption of the legal system? No. He loves to play the arm chair critic but won’t commit himself to doing anything concrete.
Prosecutors and judges who exceed their authority are a great threat!