All Perfectly Normal Michigan Vote Counting


I believe! I don’t want to be censored so make note of the fact that I said I believe everything the Michigan government tells me about voter fraud and I am not a conspiracy theorist. We’re so happy that then-Vice President Pence didn’t delay the electoral count.

That being said, as this meme maker says, it’s so normal that in the 20th time period, the counted duplicate ballots were cast only for Joe Biden.

It’s completely normal for poll workers to change challenged ballots to a straight Democrat ticket by filling up the ballots by themselves…it’s completely normal to add votes from the same batch multiple times…it’s completely normal to have poll center boarded up, and not allow GOP poll watches back in.

You heard it here! It’s NORMAL!

Nothing to see here, as I said.



  1. All of the above is solid evidence of voting fraud,

    but this, that came out yesterday or this morning is even bigger,

    In Muskegon Michigan, the police have found evidence of MASSIVE voting fraud, they also found dozens of burner phones and firearms with silencers in the same location.

    They found ballots that have non existent addresses, or have fictional phone number etc etc

    A lot of them have been filled in the same handwriting

    A woman named Brianna Hawkins was paid over $1000 a week, in one day she was bringing up to 10,000 ballots

    but wait it gets BIGGER,

    The people behind that voting fraud are GBI strategies, the boss is Gary Bell, they have 70 operations in 20 states

    they received tons of money from democrats are connected to the Biden campaign

    The woman who was bringing up to 10,000 fake ballots a day worked for them.

    It is a vast GIGANTIC network of people who rig elections in 20 states.

    This is not conspiracy theory.

    You can see part of the police report at the links, it is 100% real.

    • If it was Republicans involved in voting fraud in 20 states it would be the biggest news story of the last 50 years, it would be the biggest scandal in US history.

      but it is democrats, the MSM will never ever utter a word about it, nothing will happen, the DOJ, the FBI will close the file and the voting fraud will continue.

      The democrat criminals in charge of the USA will protect the voting fraud network…and most people will never – ever – hear about it.

  2. Gateway Pundit, CTH, American Thinker have articles on election fraud in Michigan that is just now being exposed, the FBI was given this and they ignored it,it should be exhibit 1 for trumps lawyers to shove in Jack Smiths face, thousands of illegal ballots, voter registration, state police documents to prove it, well worth the read!!!!!


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