Another BOMBSHELL Biden Story Goes Unreported


by Mark Schwendau

Last night I sat down to chill and watched some Jesse Watters on Fox News but instead wound up with my jaw on my chest and then laughing hysterically.

Watters reported on a story where Hunter Biden’s plea deal was now in jeopardy. Watters reported Judge Maryellen Noreika, a US District Judge for Delaware, would most probably reject Hunter Biden’s sweetheart plea deal – for more good reasons than the obvious ones being reported today.

Republican Congressman Jason Smith (R-MO) filed a brief with the judge entering into evidence the IRS whistleblower’s testimony of last week on Capitol Hill. After that, a Hunter Biden attorney allegedly called the courthouse pretending to be a Republican attorney and talked to a clerk of Judge Noreika. That Biden attorney allegedly then told the clerk something like, “We didn’t really mean to file all of that whistleblower stuff. Can you just strike that from the record?”

Watters got me laughing when he said, “Democrats just called this whole investigation a clown show, and Hunter Biden’s lawyers are possibly making prank calls to the judge on the eve of the plea deal! You can get disbarred for that.”

Watters speculated if maybe the Hunter Biden defense team thought it was a good idea because they were high on cocaine or pot at the time – if it’s accurate. A recent photograph featured one of the Biden attorneys on a balcony huffing on a bong.

Watters reported that Judge Noreika, a Democrat, was furious and ordered the Biden attorneys to explain themselves by 9:00 pm ET last night or be sanctioned.

The response just before the deadline from Hunter’s Latham & Watkins lawyer Matthew Salerno came as he filed a response. In that response, he claimed the incident was due to “an unfortunate and unintentional miscommunication.”

Watch “Jesse Watters: Hunter Biden’s lawyers are making prank calls”

While we are not sure of the source of Jesse Watters’s story last night, it does appear, once again, the Daily Mail was the first to break this bombshell story here: “EXCLUSIVE: Hunter Biden’s lawyers claim ‘fake phone call’ attempt to remove papers from court docket was ‘unfortunate and unintentional miscommunication’ after the judge threatened to sanction them on the eve of plea deal hearing.”

It is stunning this story was not lead news yesterday. It should be yet another straw on the Biden family’s backs.

Copyright © 2023 by Mark S. Schwendau


Mark S. Schwendau is a retired technology professor who has always had a sideline in news-editorial writing where his byline has been, “Bringing little known news to people who simply want to know the truth.”  He is a Christian conservative who God cast to be a realist.  His website is www.IDrawIWrite.Tech.



  1. I seriously doubt if any action against the lawyers will be taken by the judge or the bar association. No, can you imagine if a Republican lawyer had attempted the same thing? Just another example of the death of the rule of law and the two tiered justice system.

  2. LOL! Mark Schwendau still watches FNC? I bet he still drinks Bud Light, too. By tuning in he tacitly nods his approval of their slide Left and their political antics…and their war against Trump (which is war against We the People). I hope Schwendau smartens up!

  3. I hope the Bribeme crime family is finally exposed for all to see despite the fake news. They were going to let the coke head go with a small slap on the wrist when in reality he should be in prison but that will not happen in the long run he is a dem/communist and so is Daddy.

  4. What you see is the arroagance of the Biden’s and allot of the sewer. They thought they had swiped the slate cleaned, and could move on using this two tier justice system


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