Anti-White Best Buy Bans Religion and Pushes LGBTQIA Ideology



Best Buy has a management training program with McKinsey & Co. that explicitly excludes white applicants. The program’s racial requirements have led to accusations of racial discrimination.

The CEO of Best Buy Corie Berry has now made her Twitter account private.


A second whistleblower has come forward exclusively to OMG with audio recordings of his manager Mike Hirsch at a Best Buy in Jacksonville FL stating that LGBTQIA flags were appropriate and the Geek Squad office the Christian crosses were not.

Enis Sujak, a Serbian immigrant and Best Buy employee in Jacksonville FL, recorded the conversation with his manager Mike Hirsch. I spoke with Ennis about the situation.

He had a very long conversation with his manager that he recorded. He decided to go public with it. The manager told him that it was work-appropriate to have all this LGBTQ stuff all over the office and everywhere else but it’s not OK for this Christian Serbian to have a Bible in the office workplace recording or anything like that.

I guess I have another company never to go to again and I do go there regularly. I just bought a TV from them.

They’ve gone WOKE



  1. I think it is a time for a major management change. However, it may be to late. The change would have to be from the top on down and a major change in the companies name. You would probably have to fire 60 percent of all of the employees. Get rid of half of the suppliers.  You know they have been discriminating a lot longer than this article came out.

  2. Going woke can bring down the strongest of companies, but Best Buy is already on the ropes. I guess they want to go down in flames instead of just fading away.

    • Hate to break it to you but the saying get woke go broke is completely wrong. The good news and bad is that it is go broke, get woke. Molson Coors, Activision, Disney, EA, Gillette Anheuser-Busch, Apple ECT. have been having money problems even before they went woke which is probably why they got woke in the first place as a safe means of staying relevant.

      Either way, from here on out I will be building my own computers from now on as opposed to buying them from places that most likely do not want my service. After all it is a good idea to take pride in your own work is it not?

  3. Sad to see
    Back in the ’80’s and early 90’s , before my job related move to Australia, Best Buy was a great place for people who wanted to be improving their computer hardware.


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