The Biden administration is angry with Sens. Kyrsten Sinema and Joe Manchin over their opposition to the nomination of Julie Su. They’re trying to pressure them to vote for the woman who failed in her position in California.
The opposition also comes from Congressional and Senate Republicans.
Republicans want her nomination withdrawn. Thirty-three signed a letter to Biden last week:
Given this present state of affairs, we respectfully urge you to withdraw the nomination. We appreciate your responsiveness to this request and ask for prompt confirmation that the nomination of Julie A. Su is formally withdrawn.
It’s a Biden administration escalation to get the very progressive Su confirmed as Secretary of Labor. The nomination has been stalled on Capitol Hill since February.
She Was a Failure in California
Su was formerly in charge of California’s labor department and was detested for her advocacy of the anti-freelance AB5 law. She was also grossly negligent in overseeing the EDD, which lost $40 billion to fraud during the pandemic. Sounds like a typical Biden pick.
Julie Su also played a key role in outlawing freelance workers in CA on behalf of union bosses
would be nice if Mitt mentioned that
— Daniel Greenfield – “Hang Together or Separately” (@Sultanknish) April 21, 2023
Biden Continues to Push the Failed Nominee
A White House official on Thursday said President Joe Biden would continue to fight for Su’s confirmation. His support for her is “unwavering.
“We hope,” the official added, “Senator Manchin and Senator Sinema reconsider their position.” The official’s comments came just minutes after Manchin said he would oppose Su’s nomination.
The West Virginia Democrat touted Su’s credentials as “impressive” but said he ultimately decided to vote against her over a “genuine concern” regarding ideology.
Sinema has been publicly undeclared, though the official’s comments suggest that the Arizona Independent has signaled to the White House that she has reservations about the nominee, reports Politico.
Sinema has been meeting with her state’s restaurant owners. This industry would be greatly decimated if the current DOL policies were enacted with Su’s help. She’s probably a ‘no’ vote.
Two other Democrats – Sen. Mark Warner of Virginia and Montana Senator John Tester – are waffling.

They Detest Her
Business and advocacy groups have also worked tirelessly to keep Su’s failure and wrongdoing in front of the nation. The International Franchise Association is one of those organizations, and they recently urged Manchin to vote against the nomination. They need two Democrats for the nomination to be dead in the water. All Republicans remain opposed to the nomination.
A coalition known as Stand Against Su, which has been vocal in its opposition to the nomination, provided Townhall with a statement commending Manchin. “Put simply, Julie Su does not have the competency, skills, or experience necessary for a successful Secretary of Labor, as demonstrated by her record-breaking track record of failure,” a spokesperson for the coalition said.
“At every opportunity, Su has shown herself to be unfit for the role and a serious threat to workers, freelancers, and business owners across the nation. We commend Senator Manchin for defending American workers by opposing her nomination and encourage Senators on both sides of the aisle to do the same,” reports Townhall.
Figures that FJB would want a China girl.
The way to rise in Democrat circles is to fail through incompetence and prove oneself to be a useful tool!