Biden’s Running on His Wild Spending and Inflation Record


Biden is going to run for re-election on “Bidenomics.” He thinks that will convince voters his economic plan that caused ever-rising inflation and high-interest rates makes it worth voting for a senile octogenarian in 2024.

Biden will claim that all those billions of dollars used to pass an infrastructure deal, green energy initiatives, and a semiconductor package have produced a great jobs market.

The Wall Street Journal corrected his claim, saying the same Keynesian “Bidenomics” that created a jobs boom resulted in surging inflation that effectively canceled out the economic impact of the new jobs. As inflation remains stubbornly persistent, the Federal Reserve will likely be forced to continue it’s tightening policy in an attempt to cool inflation by stifling the labor market.

Bidenomics is a short-term political effort to make Biden look good while kicking the can down the road. It ends up disastrous in the long run, as we can see with the inflationary results.

Joe Biden, using the World Economic Forum slogan

What a complete farce. Over the next ten years, he has set us up for $50 trillion in debt. To say nothing of the fact that the money spent on climate change and payoffs to his preferred voting blocs were completely wasted.  We lost hundreds of billions of dollars in rescue money to fraud during the pandemic. Big government does not work. At some point, I don’t know when, the economy will collapse.

Marxist Democrats always say the opposite of what they mean and what they’re doing. President Joe Biden took his economic philosophy, which emphasizes building the economy from the middle out and bottom-up, on the road with a speech Wednesday at the Old Post Office Building in downtown Chicago.

“The trickle-down approach failed the middle class,” Biden said. “It failed America.”

That is the opposite of the truth. Donald Trump cut regulations, made us energy independent, and lowered taxes. That was the right way to drive the economy. Now we have high-interest rates and unaffordable steaks.

This campaign, based on his pathetic economic plan, is just insulting. They either think we’re stupid, or they’re mocking us, maybe both.

If Americans fall for this, then I give up. Although I don’t doubt Biden can get his 81 million votes again with all the controls that Democrats have put in place.

This is who we are entrusting our economy to:



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