Joe Biden gave a lofty, typical political speech, but there wasn’t much new. He is one of the UN globalists and is making the United States one with them. We are being told to accept whatever they want, and they have no interest in what the people want. There is a huge disconnect.
He wants the world to know that Americans are here to spread wealth all over the world. We will continue to borrow to hand over funds, not only to Ukraine, but also to the World Bank. We already pay 25% of the UN’s expenses which they use to destroy the US.
BIDEN: “I asked the United States Congress for additional funds to expand World Bank financing by $25 billion…”
— RNC Research (@RNCResearch) September 19, 2023

We have migrants pouring into our country by the millions, and they will change our society forever. We have leftists destroying our history and teaching the children to hate America. Spending and inflation threaten to destroy our economy, yet it continues. It is what they do in socialist countries.
They hate us. And it’s not just the right that they hate. They will go after anyone on the left who dares stray from the narrative. We’ve seen this time and again with celebrities and people like Jordan Peterson.
If you go against the narrative, they hate you.
At the UN, Biden’s only objective was to list all the ways the US would send US money, borrowed money, to everyone in the world. This is as Americans suffer, inflation rises, and gas prices are once again out of control.
Rob Schmidt gave a great monologue yesterday.
Prominent leaders from countries on the U.N. Security Council, such as France, China, Russia, and the U.K., did not attend the U.N. General Assembly, according to the AP.
CBS News reported that India’s Prime Minister Narendra Modi will also not be in attendance after hosting the annual G-20 summit earlier in September.
They can make excuses, but it was a snub.
We don’t even know who the US president is, although we can make educated guesses. Joe’s a prop.
The U.S. delegation at the United Nations is paying very close attention during Biden’s speech
— RNC Research (@RNCResearch) September 19, 2023
Biden messed up just enough to confirm his fragile mental state. He mumbled incoherently at times.
Biden’s brain freezes during his UN speech: “The 21st century, 21st century results…”
— RNC Research (@RNCResearch) September 19, 2023
He said he wants to join with China to accelerate the climate crisis.
Biden gaffe: ‘Critical to accelerate the climate crisis’ during UN General Assembly speech
Source: The Telegraph (YouTube)— Wittgenstein (@backtolife_2023) September 20, 2023
Biden repeated his mantra that we are not decoupling from China. That’s a signal for them to walk all over us.
BIDEN: “We are for ‘de-risking,’ not decoupling from China!”
— (@townhallcom) September 19, 2023
More of his incoherent ramblings:
BIDEN: “For one day, for one day my administration, the United States, has treated [the climate crisis] as an existential threat!”
— RNC Research (@RNCResearch) September 19, 2023
He can’t even read from a teleprompter.
Biden incoherently mumbles as he reads his remarks from his teleprompter at the UN General Assembly
— RNC Research (@RNCResearch) September 19, 2023
Nursing home patient:
Was Biden reading his pre-written remarks for the first time?
— RNC Research (@RNCResearch) September 19, 2023
Democrats are a threat to democracy.