BREAKING…Donald Trump INDICTED Over the ‘Boxes Hoax’


We are Soviet Russia. This is taking place as Biden is exposed for potential treason.

Hannity’s radio show reported this afternoon that the DOJ alerted the media there will be a major development tomorrow.

It looks like he will be indicted in southern Florida.

Donald Trump could become a candidate as a convicted felon facing prison.

Most Americans see the DOJ and FBI as corrupt, but the agencies don’t care, as evidenced by the fact that they continue abusing the law. According to a recently released Rasmussen poll, 60% of likely U.S. voters believe the Federal Bureau of Investigation covered up crimes for President Joe Biden and his family.

Some say the Left has taken everything from us.



  1. There will be charges obscure enough for a judge to go along. It will be a long trial with constant media storytelling. Let’s see if this is tried as with Flynn, Stone, Jones, … where the accused is not allowed to defend himself. For example, will the judge allow the government to withhold evidence.

    • For example, will the judge allow the government to withhold evidence.

      This has already showed its ugly head. The 11th Circuit sided with DOJ on what determines classification and allowed the DOJ to conceal the evidence – per national security; in the case that overturned the judge’s order.

  2. There was a document posted whereby Trump had “declassified” the documents and ordered DOJ to redact and release. Why wouldn’t this alone make the prosecution’s case moot. A judge should just dismiss this case with prejudice.

    I suppose a prosecutor can get away with virtually anything and everything in front of a grand jury, but what has been revealed during those proceedings should be cause for dismissal in and of itself.

  3. Let’s not forget the Left in the 60’s openly declared their goal was to destroy this country, but at that time they didn’t have the ‘power’. I keep hearing how perplexing it is that many factions on the left are now in full support of intrusive government, pro-war and other positions that used to be contrary. The difference today is these same people are in power and the goals from the 60’s can now be acted upon.

    This will all be complete if the judicial system can find some way to prevent Trump from campaigning. A judge can put just about any restriction on any defendant. Another four years of Biden could be insurmountable.

  4. Come on MAGA people, hit the streets. Protest this dishonest government.Where are you? This poor man is being crucified and we do nothing but complain on the internet.

    • For the first time in my life, I’m actually looking forward to the democrats starting another civil war. The dems are about to shit their bed, this time. they’re not very smart to provoke millions of voters that proudly support a president who was guilty of nothing except his disrespect of the corrupt Derp State. I said two years ago that the masses will tolerate the stolen election but if you lock up their benevolent president, you had better be watching your f’ing Six for the rest of your very stupid, short life. We can all see that they’re playing with the most dangerous fire, now. An angry American people can only tolerate so much of this third-world, bullshit corruption. Even for the impartial observer, this is about to get very, very interesting.


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