Assembly Member Reggie Jones-Sawyer, who chairs the Public Safety Committee of the California Assembly, introduced Bill 852 earlier this year. It would require judges to consider a defendant’s race during sentencing when determining the length of the prison sentence. This travesty has passed the Assembly.
“It is the intent of the Legislature to rectify the racial bias that has historically permeated our criminal justice system as documented by the California Task Force to Study and Develop Reparation Proposals for African Americans,” the bill read.
“Whenever the court has discretion to determine the appropriate sentence according to relevant statutes and the sentencing rules of the Judicial Council, the court presiding over a criminal matter shall consider the disparate impact on historically disenfranchised and system-impacted populations,” it added.
The people committing crimes are now going to get reduced sentences if they have the right skin color. Skin color has nothing to do with the crime committed or the appropriate punishment.
The justice system is being destroyed by the Left. They destroy everything they touch.
Not surprising, considering that even the YMCA of Springfield, MA demand applying members to indicate their race on applications. Looks like half of Obama and quarter parts of his kids can’t join.
Another dumb S–t from Commyfornia!
I guess they really do want a race war.
Reggie Jones-Sawyer is the personification of a racist. More awesomeness from Kalifornia!
That legislation will be thrown out on it’s a&&. It won’t even make it to the supreme court.
You can’t make this stuff up… humans sure can be stupid at times!
Clearly, these people are Racists!
Blacks already get no jail time for murder, looting, rape.
Blacks should get longer sentences. They commit 10X more crime. They even have a club – BurnLootMurder –
So this means Blacks can get longer sentences than whites?
So Blacks would get shorter sentences than whites? For the same crimes?
That is like telling blacks ; go ahead commit all the crimes you want, you ll all get super short sentences!!!
and since blacks are already the demographic group with the highest crime rates imagine the results!
there would be a 300 % increase in crime!
White society on a slow suicide mission. Look at south Africa and see your future.
It is exactly a slow motion suicide…
Dirt bags are dirt bags…they may try to change the ‘vernacular’…but that does not change the original meaning or crime…