Neo-Democrats in the California legislature passed a law that awaits Gov. Gavin Newsom’s signature, and he will undoubtedly sign it. They’re banning nonfunctional grass! They think it’s a waste of water to have decorative lawns.
What happens to all the carbon dioxide grass devours?

The authoritarians will allow turf in sports fields, parks, cemeteries, outdoor areas, and other “community spaces.” Also exempt are areas where grass is irrigated with recycled water.
The Law states:
This bill would make legislative findings and declarations concerning water use, including that the use of potable water to irrigate nonfunctional turf is wasteful and incompatible with state policy relating to climate change, water conservation, and reduced reliance on the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta ecosystem. The bill would direct all appropriate state agencies to encourage and support the elimination of irrigation of nonfunctional turf with potable water.
It’s permanent, even when there’s no drought. There goes all the sod farms, fertilizer manufacturers, and grass cutters.
Whatever will the people in Beverly Hills do? They will probably recycle water and keep their lawns.
Democrats are a threat to democracy!
Leo Hohmann made a list of things Democrats don’t want us to have. Here’s a partial list of what Democrats want to ban: wood stoves, gas stoves, heat pumps, gas generators, gas cars, air travel, gas everything, cold medication, cash, identity privacy, borders, firearms, and more.
Your point of view caught my eye and was very interesting. Thanks. I have a question for you.
I remember once reading about an Oregon rancher who was told he could not collect the rain water running down a slope on his land for his cattle. The courts ruled the State of Oregon owns all rainwater falling on the state including that which falls on private property.
They will probably flush the saved water out to sea like they did with the water from the record snow pack a few years ago.
california shitplace, all those billions blew by, no water bombers, no reservoirs. newsom is a crook.
Next CA will ban toilets and make you use an outhouse, because toilets use too much water. The homeless are already conserving water by using the streets to urinate and defecate in CA.
For once I agree with CA lunatics. Lawns serve no purpose and waste water. Also millions of people spray them with weed poison over and over that runs off into the rivers and water supply.
I may not get the point of lawns myself, but that’s besides the point. Were we still in a free society, an individual should have the right to having a lawn, regardless of the opinions of others or the opinion of a government that increasingly behaves as if it’s GODvernment.
Psst…don’t tell them, but Germany taxes you for rain water that falls on your property
I’ve been waiting for Kalifornia to tax the sun that falls on solar panels.
Or flushing your toilet.
Hey, maybe California can spray Agent Orange on any visible grasslands.
I’m expecting mud slides and choked rivers full of silt from this near sighted and ecologically destructive policy.
This is so wrong. Lawn’s produce BTU cooling. Lawns also convert Carbon Dioxide into breathable oxygen that benefits people, wild life, and livestock for food. Communism denies Global and Human Natural Rights.You voted for this California.
So much for going Green!
The 1949 Department of Agriculture yearbook was devoted to Grass and states “grass is unparalled in its ability to convert carbon dioxide into oxygen”.
This summer we watched millions of acre-feet of fresh rainwater run down California rivers and into the ocean. The same people who are telling us we must preserve water are the ones who didn’t build the dams and catch basins that could have made that water available for us to use.
According to the pictures on the internet, Newsom’s personal home is lush with hanging gardens, pools. and expansive green lawns. You know he’s not going to let any of that go brown.
I meant to say, “This Spring . . . “
It’s worse – the dimmocrats also forbids farmers to replenish their aquifers – even from overflow canals. And the applications to pump water takes longer than the water needs to reach the ocean.
They’ll come up with some scheme so the rich can use all the water they want. Similar to carbon credits.
FGN and the little indoctrnated A–H—s that have the heads up their Arse! Do they have a clue that this is all BS? Billions of dollars to fix homeless and climate change but they can’t find a F35 and you think they can fix anything? You are delusional at best! Strip naked because everything you are wearing, you house, car, are made from fossil fuels idiots!
Wildfires. Just watch. Indigenous weeds will create a tinderbox.
The person who made the list forgot the top “thing” demonrats want to eliminate and that is babies. Always remember that the demonrats first plank in their platform is the murder of babies; never forget that.
They are proud of that. Just think- proud because they kill babies, innocent unborn children who have done NOTHING to harm anyone. God can forgive the most vile sins, if the sinner is truly sorry for his/her sins. These rectums are not. They’ll have eternity in hell to repent… after it is too late.