Calls for Fox Boycott If They Sue Tucker Whose Show Reached 103.3 Million Views


As we reported yesterday, Fox News says Carlson breached his contract With Tuesday’s Twitter show. They want him silenced until after January 2024, when his contract expires. He’s off Fox, and they demand he not be allowed to speak. Fox is anti-free speech.

“This evening, we were made aware of Mr. Tucker Carlson’s appearance on Twitter in a video that lasted over 10 minutes,” Fox News general counsel Bernard Gugar said in a letter to Carlson’s lawyers.

“Pursuant to the terms of the Agreement, Mr. Carlson’s ‘services shall be completely exclusive to Fox,'” it continued, quoting Carlson’s contract.

Gugar also said Carlson was “prohibited from rendering services of any type whatsoever, whether ‘over the internet via streaming or similar distribution, or other digital distribution whether now known or hereafter devised.'”

Carlson’s legal team told Axios that any legal action by Fox would violate his First Amendment rights.

“Fox defends its very existence on freedom of speech grounds. Now they want to take Tucker Carlson’s right to speak freely away from him because he took to social media to share his thoughts on current events,” said Carlson’s lawyer, Bryan Freedman.

Tucker on Twitter reached 103.3 million viewers and 811,000+ likes as of 10 am today. There is an army ready to boycott Fox News if they sue Tucker.



  1. Anyone who is not already boycotting Faux News, and is not running a news website or show, is unreachable.

    My old mother watches Faux lots. When I go there, I switch to Newsmax. She likes it too but she cannot remember to watch it unless I am there.


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