Calvin Klein to Bud Light – Great Minds Think Alike!


This transman model, a biological woman, never had her breasts removed. The Calvin Klein advert features a trans man posing in a sports bra. It has sparked intense backlash after going viral online.

It’s just stupid. Does Calvin Klein really want to appeal only to a teeny percentage of the population and alienate the majority while shoving it down our throats? Maybe these are the people who buy Calvin Klein.

Some of the Responses

Hold my beer!



  1. Calvin Klein is of course a homosexual whose products have not been provocative like this is.

    (I recall a story about 10 years ago, his boyfriend was a grandson of Lucky Luciano.)

  2. If this column had published these pictures ten years ago it wold have been for millions for defamation. Now all the pictures get is laughs for stupidity.
    Of course there are no laughs when we realise how some very evil people like Soros are trying to destroy the USA.

    • Yes, there is nothing attractive or wholesome in that picture. Soros did not do this, he is a convenient bad man for Faux News narratives.

      This stuff has to be coming from a very high level, associated with the NWO and financial fortresses like BlackRock. Companies doing this are not doing it for sales or ideology. There is some hidden financial incentive for doing this.

      This seems similar to firms adopting DEI. DEI incentives are presented to corporations. Many accept it.


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