CBC Orders Staff Not to Call Hamas Terrorists “Terrorists”


George Achi, the director of journalistic standards at CBC News, ordered staff to not call the Palestinian Hamas terrorists “terrorists.”

Canada listed Hamas as a terrorist entity on Nov. 27, 2002, and reviewed that listing on June 4, 2021. Regardless, an internal Canadian Broadcasting Corporation memo directs CBC reporters not to refer to Hamas attackers as terrorists.

StopAntisemitism released what appeared to be a memo from George Achi, director of journalistic standards at CBC News, telling reporters not to say that the “occupation” of the “Gaza strip” ended in 2005. “Israel has maintained control over airspace, seafront, and virtually all movement into or out of the area,” per the apparent CBC memo.

“Do not refer to militants, soldiers, or anyone else as ‘terrorists.’ The notion of terrorism remains heavily politicized and is part of the story,” the memo added.

The CBC is considered reputable, and a site like mine that tells the truth is shadow banned.

Ottawa, Ontario, Canada – August 8, 2020: CBC Radio-Canada office building entrance at CBC Ottawa Broadcast Centre in Ottawa. CBC/Radio-Canada is Canada’s national public broadcaster.

We keep hearing about Israel’s blockade of Gaza, but Egypt also blockades Gaza to protect its citizens.

And Israel hasn’t occupied Gaza since 2005.

The BBC called the massacre a “conflict.” Slaughtering innocent, defenseless civilians is not a conflict. It’s a war crime. Taking innocent people as hostages is a war crime. Firing at hospitals is a war crime. Raping men and women and putting toddlers in cages is a war crime.

The US fact-checkers are all lying leftists. Take Media Bias Fact Check as an example.

The fool at Media Bias Fact Check wrote the following:
  • Overall, we rate CBC Left-Center Biased based on editorial positions that lean slightly left and High for factual reporting due to proper sourcing and a clean fact check record.

Detailed Record

Bias Rating: LEFT-CENTER
Factual Reporting: HIGH
Country: Canada
MBFC’s Country Freedom Rating: EXCELLENT
Media Type: TV Station
Traffic/Popularity: High Traffic




  1. Likely the Canadian Islamist Assn called them up, and gave CBC their orders. Canadians really never developed an integrated identity and consequently are kicked around willy nilly by any cohesive group be it so-called ‘aboriginals’ or extremist Muslims.

  2. This guy John Burke is all over the board covering all the numbers like a drunk roulette player. One day he is a pacifist sissy in love with liberals and the next he is talking like DJT.

  3. Many Canadians call the CBC the Communist broadcasting corporation

    around 2006 when liberals got caught stealing billions from tax payers in what was called ADSCAM, the CBC never ever mentioned they were liberals, they always referred to it as ” the federal scandal” so that way they never had to mention it was 100% a liberal scandal.

    At least half of Canadians hate the CBC, especially since it is state sponsored meaning our taxes pay for it…our taxes pay for that anti-conservative propaganda…

    also the CBC loves loves loves Muslims!!! they had their own tv series called ” the little mosque on the prairie” in which all muslims were the nicest people in the world…it was pure propaganda to convince canadians that muslims are the best people in the world that we should invite tens of millions of muslim migrants

    Also the Canadian parliament led by liberals tried to pass a new bill that said it was a crime to criticize Muslims…I did not follow that closely but I think in the end liberals reluctantly added, “and other religions”

    The liberal party of Canada is anti Canadian, anti conservative, pro islam, pro migrants…and of course they love it that the CBC is controlled by them…it makes propaganda easier

    and we tax payers pay for that propaganda

    • Forgot to mention

      the CBC has always been subtly ,and at times not so subtly, anti-Israel.

      The CBC are also a bit anti-USA but as I said at least half of Canadians hate the CBC…it is a myth – media propaganda – that most Canadians hate the USA


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