“Most passengers understand that no one can control the weather,” Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg said on Face the Nation. He was explaining away a large number of airport delays early in the week. There were severe thunderstorms in the Northeast, causing many of the delays.
It’s good to hear a cimate change activist tell the truth. No one can control the weather. Someone needs to tell Bill Gates who is pushing the administration to let his scientists send chemical clouds in the atmosphere to block the sun. Gates doesn’t know what it would do to crops or anything really. It is experimental.
The self-appointed global rulers are changing the global financial system for “climate solidartiy.”
The UN and the World Economic Forum are silencing dissent on climate, so it is good to hear the truth, even if only a slip of the tongue.
UN Secretary for Global Communications, Melissa Fleming, says they “own the science” on “climate change,” and opposing viewpoints have now been pushed down in search results through their partnership with Google.
She says they “own the science” on “climate change,” and opposing viewpoints have now been pushed down in search results through their partnership with Google.
Thus, she is acknowledging they can’t win the argument without shutting down evidence to the contrary.
So, to hear Buttigieg admit we can’t control the weather means giving all our money, resources, and sovereignty over to the globalists won’t do a thing for the weather.
.@SecretaryPete Buttigieg, transportation secretary for an administration that’s spending more than half a trillion $ trying to control the weather, on recent flight cancellations: “Most passengers understand that no one can control the weather” pic.twitter.com/w3ffIupCXo
— Tom Elliott (@tomselliott) July 3, 2023
Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg told a House panel in March 2021 that the country’s infrastructure needs exceed $1 trillion and improvements to roads, bridges, and highways can no longer ignore the reality of climate change, calling inaction “a threat to our collective future.”
“Climate change is real,” he said. “Every dollar we spend rebuilding from a climate-driven disaster is a dollar we could have spent building a more competitive, modern and resilient transportation system that produces significantly lower emissions,” said Buttigieg.
When he ran for president in 2019, Pete Buttigieg said climate change will be as bad as World War II or worse.
He claimed it was immoral and racist to not contribute to controlling the climate. He even compared the climate agenda to the Revolutionary War.
All along, he knew none of that would control. the weather.
Well done, M. Dowling! I just wonder is ‘olde’ Pete will have to apologise now for his ‘slip of the tongue’. (Maybe, because he is a Democrat, he will get a free pass, but one never knows.)
To paraphrase Karl Marx: The Climate Change Theory is ‘the opiate of the masses’.
Marx was talking about religion, and Climate Change theory is like a religion in that it requires faith in what can not be seen, and in fact goes against science.
Christianity believes in the revelation of God who created the universe.
Since miracles seem to be counter to nature, (though they are not) faith is required. Nothing in the Bible has ever been shown to be false.
Historical reference: Isaiah 20:1 In the year that the field commander (‘tartan’) sent by Sargon king of Assyria came to Ashdod and attacked and captured it—
Historical note: Sargon II was long unknown to secular history and so Isaiah 20:1 was called a lie. In 1842 his palace was found near Mosul in Iraq nowhere near Nineneh.
“In 1963 archaeologists also discovered fragments from a monument that was erected at Ashdod reading, “Sargon, king of Assyria, who conquered Samaria and the entire region of Israel, he who made captives of Ashdod.” This monument was probably erected at the behest of Sargon himself.”
https://thinkingtobelieve.com › 2011 › 08 › 15 › biblical-archaeology-16-sargon-ii-inscriptions 20230704 GMT 01:42