Greta Thunberg is one of the Left’s most prominent climate experts and activists. She gave speeches at the UN and Congress. She said she has Aspergers and is emotionally disturbed, but when pundit Michael Knowles repeated that, Fox News permanently banned him. In any case, she finally graduated high school at age 20.
Greta even made predictions of imminent annihilation. So, they didn’t come true. Al Gore’s predictions never do and he’s still a prominent expert of the Left.
Greta is a flippertigibbet icon of the Left. Who better than Greta to set our climate policy?
In 11 days humanity will be wiped out according to Greta Thunberg 🤡
— Dr. Eli David (@DrEliDavid) June 9, 2023
She had a few allies join her in her last school strike. Her star has been fading of late. The Left got her to say what they wanted, and no one could criticize her because she was a child.
School strike week 251. Today, I graduate from school, which means I’ll no longer be able to school strike for the climate. This is then the last school strike for me, so I guess I have to write something on this day.
Thread🧵— Greta Thunberg (@GretaThunberg) June 9, 2023
Greta, whose 15 minutes of fame are up, put up several tweets praising herself for allegedly changing the world. Now she’s a 20-year-old with a high school diploma and exaggerated visions of her power and ability.
She prognosticates and bloviates without facts, but she’s sure about it all. Her mindless activism became part of a mass delusion. Miss Thunberg’s image appeared on buildings, she sat on a CNN town hall with actual experts, and she was feted worldwide. It was one of the most bizarre moments in history.
Who can forget the San Francisco painter who created the creepy 4-story mural of Greta with climate-unfriendly aerosol spray paint cans – 700 of them!
Hopefully, the leftists who helped promote her pensioned her off. How will she survive otherwise?
Her career is protesting, and now that she is an adult, she won’t hold the same sway. Two years ago, Greta came out as a communist and Joe Biden supporter.
Swedish climate activist Greta Thunberg said Friday she was marking her last “school strike” as she was graduating high school, but said she would continue partaking in weekly protests.
Source: FRANCE 24 English (YouTube)— Wittgenstein (@backtolife_2023) June 10, 2023
Who can forget her famous “How dare you” speech?
ThunderThighs is ADD and taking a number of meds to ‘normalize’ her instability.
Useless (Human) being!
Anybody find a spare chromosome??
on to harvard
High school? Since I never listened to her I did not realize she was ‘slow’. Maybe she’ll get her degree by 30.
After years of enduring Greta, I can honestly say that I’ve finally learned something useful – the word flibbertigibbet. I shall use it lavishly henceforth.
(M Dowling, you get a pass on the misspelling, yet much appreciated.)
….love that chronological account of Greta’s protest – which was actually orchestrated, scripted and choreographed from day one. WEF POS
Well, she’s been busy. Give the dolt a break, okay?
So wait…Greta has skipped school since 2018? LOL! That explains a LOT!
Silly little twat.
An illustration of the foolish nonsense that is the cult of celebrity!
She doesn’t have Asperger’s. She’s a victim of fetal-alcohol syndrome. Her facial construction tells the tale.
Maybe she’s just an ugly moron?
On the other hand, nobody’s doing much of a job about the increasing complex problems–garbage, if you will–negatively impacting the environment. Many of the ‘solutions’ will just make things worse.
LOL! Perfect! A 20 year old HS grad is the world’s climate “expert!” Too rich for words!
Greta’s scam made her rich and now she’ll be off to Hollywood.