Clown World! Philly Rioter Named Meatball Cries for Her Mugshot


Dayjia Blackwell, also known as “Meatball,” posted livestream videos inciting Black Lives Matter rioting and looting in Philadelphia. She was one of the approximately 20 arrested following mass looting targeting a liquor store, Lululemon, Footlocker, Apple, and others.

She foolishly shared the video with her in it.

When her mug shot was taken, Meatball was crying.



  1. We don’t have a racial problem in the US. We have a problem race. The facts speak for themselves and don’t care about your feelings!

  2. With each story I flash back to some awful things growing up in Chicago. I never saw looting there but this is very real to me. A person can get themselves into trouble fast there at the wrong place or the wrong time. People who have not been through that do not realize how easily these things can happen to them.

  3. New York Police statistics published a few weeks ago revealed that blacks commit 30 times more murder than whites.

    Another study revealed blacks lose custody of their kids much more often than whites do because they abuse kids much more.

    Other statistics show that blacks default much more than whites on mortgage payments, car payments etc etc

    and anyone who has seen many dozens of videos in the last 20 years – as I have – of ” people” looting or smash and grabbing, knows that over 90% of the looters and smash grabbers are black.

    This is not opinion, this is not racism, these are the facts.

    Of course not all blacks are like that, but it is undeniable that there is something wrong in the black community, a sort of dysfunction that makes the demographic group causing us the most problems…and denying it and silencing people like me does not help fix the problem.

    Silencing those who know the facts will not make blacks commit less crimes or make them pay their car payment religiously or make them stop smash and grab and looting.

    Making it illegal to say the ship is sinking does not keep the ship afloat.

    Democrat’s solution is to punish and penalize whites…that is like penalizing Paul because Peter robbed a store. it is supremely imbecilic and makes things worse.

    Giving lighter or no sentences to black criminals – as Democrats do more and more everyday – only emboldens them to commit more crimes.

    Blacks are the fire, Democrats are the gasoline

    and you know what happens when you pour gasoline on a fire…


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