Cringe! Chris Christie Brings Flowers to Ukraine’s President


Chris Christie made a fawning surprise visit to Ukraine to meet with Ukraine’s President Zelensky. He brought flowers.

So cute, flowers for Volodymyr

This could only go under Clown World. I mean, come on. Bridgegate Chris told Zelensky he wants to be “America’s eyes” on Ukraine.

The former New Jersey governor arrived in Kyiv on Friday, becoming the second contender for the GOP nomination to kiss the ring after former Vice President Mike Pence in June. In a meeting with President Zelensky, Mr Christie said he wanted to be the eyes of the American people and show them the situation in Ukraine, more than 18 months after Russia began its war on the country.

“We have become a visual people. Reading something doesn’t do it anymore. For a lot of Americans, they need to see it in order to feel it and understand it. I want to be able to be their eyes here,” said Beachgate-Bridgegate Christie.

He also told Mr. Zelensky that he wanted more bipartisan support for Ukraine from US lawmakers, The New York Times reported.

This is all so transparently phony. Nice flowers, though!


Does anyone on either side of the aisle trust Christie to be the eyes of anyone or anything?



  1. It is a sign of Fats Christy’s self control that he didn’t eat the flowers this clown is nuts if he thinks he is going to be prez if the RINO party nominate this bucket of lard they will loose worse than when Mcstrain ran .I will not vote for Fats or back stabber Mike or most of the other wanna be’s it is Trump or I vote for Kennedy

  2. This behavior is phony. Christie needs a job badly. He wants a big one.

    Congress recklessly and wastefully supports huge spending on Ukraine repeatedly, by wide margins, thus, Christie’s claim that more bipartisan support is needed is not valid. He has always been a self serving panderer.


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