De Blasio & Wife Separated But Living Together, Dating Others


Failed former New York City Mayor, Comrade Bill de Blasio, 62, and his wife, self-described lesbian, Chirlane McCray, 68, announced they’re separating after 30 years of marriage. They won’t file for divorce. They will still live together while seeing other people. In other words, it’s an open marriage or is it a marriage with benefits?


In an extended interview published in the New York Times Wednesday, the pair explained that their union had grown stagnant, and they needed a change.

“I just want to have fun,” McCray said before quickly turning to de Blasio, adding: “It’s not that we haven’t had fun.”

“Thank you, honey,” he said, according to The New York Times.

Chirlane and Bill, looking for fun.

It all started a couple of months ago when they were binge-watching TV. “Why aren’t you lovey-dovey anymore?” Mr. de Blasio, the failed former presidential candidate, asked, according to Ms. McCray, his wife.

The New York Times said, It moved quickly from there, and they felt they weren’t getting what they wanted from the relationship.

“They made their decision that night.”

The Times writes, “They are not planning to divorce, they said, but will date other people. They will continue to share the Park Slope townhouse where they raised their two children, now in their 20s — the vinyl-sided hub of a thoroughly modern political family whose mixed-race symbolism helped send a spindly progressive long shot to City Hall.”

The duo say the job of mayor and COVID were to blame. They weren’t communicating.

They married in 1994, under a tree in Prospect Park, with two gay men officiating, before a reception with a “Super Freak” dance break and a heap of cannoli.

“He was very easy to fall in love with,” Ms. McCray said.

The Times concludes:

As the conversation neared its end, the former mayor pulled out his phone to play a song called “Mango,” saying it might best explain their feelings now.

“I don’t want nothing but you,” it went. “Getting what you need / Even if it ain’t from me.”

Mr. de Blasio hummed a bit from his chair. Ms. McCray danced behind him, gazing ahead.

“Isn’t that beautiful?” he said.


Not really, Bill.

Indeed, they’re both awful. When will she give the city their missing nearly-billion dollars back? And him – he sent the city downhill.

Now that he’s available for dating, he dyed his hair black.

How does that work, living together, not getting divorced, and dating so they’re not bored? It sounds like a belated mid-life crisis.



  1. He’s a nobody now so she prefers her first choice, being a lesbian. We have entered the era of gay, all types of gay and she wants to be a part of it. This should be a warning to anyone considering marrying someone bi.

    • People who do not respect what marriage was created to be should not be surprised when thing go topsy-turvey.

    • Does he really like women, to have married a lesbian, and 6 years older than he? I think not, I think he married her to have black children, to express his leftist whims. Warren Wilhelm cannot be heterosexual, that is too right wing for him.

      People say she lost interest because he is no longer a big shot.


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