Dem Candidate & Porn Star Is Angry Her Performances Were Shared


“If you don’t like my position, for 25 tokens, I’ll try another.” -Susanna Gibson

A candidate in a key legislative election in Virginia had sex with her husband in live videos posted on a pornographic website and asked viewers to pay them in return for carrying out specific sex acts. The election affects the control of the state government. She is a porn star, and she’s angry that Republicans allegedly leaked the information to The Washington Post. The Associated Press also shared the story.

Democrat Susanna Gibson is running for a key House seat as a Democrat. Some would say she is a perfect Democrat candidate. Democrats are still funding and showing up with her on the campaign trail. Sen. Tim Kaine appeared with her this weekend, and VanValkenburg, who is on the ticket with her, is funding her. Women allegedly support her if you believe the media.

Gibson called the exposure of the videos “the worst gutter politics.” It was first shared by The Washington Post, who allegedly got the story from a Republican. Does it matter? She’s an out-in-the-open porn actress. Her husband is in on it.

She and her husband whored themselves out for money. What did they think would happen? Democrats claim mentioning it is a “hit job.” Would they say that if the situation was reversed?

“It won’t intimidate me, and it won’t silence me,” she said in the statement. “My political opponents and their Republican allies have proven they’re willing to commit a sex crime to attack me and my family because there’s no line they won’t cross to silence women when they speak up.

Gibson said that exposing the videos is “an illegal invasion of my privacy designed to humiliate me and my family.” Gibson’s attorney, Daniel P. Watkins, said that disseminating the videos is a violation of Virginia’s revenge porn law, which makes it a crime to “maliciously” disseminate or sell nude or sexual images of another person with the intent to “coerce, harass, or intimidate.”

“A criminal act has occurred here, and that’s the dissemination of revenge porn by a Republican operative,” Watkins told the AP.

This isn’t revenge porn. It wasn’t a case of a significant other getting even. She bared all on a porn channel. Democrats are going to make it part of a fundraising campaign.

Pornhub is blocked in Virginia, Mississippi, and Utah over age-restriction laws. I don’t know if Pornhub hosted this Democrat’s porn.

It looks like X is hiding the story and taking down the photos and descriptions of what she and her husband do and say on these videos. It’s as porn as it gets.



  1. Gibson puts her sex acts on full public display, the leftist WAPO and AP publishes them and Republicans are to blame? Democrats are a mental disorder.

  2. “You are not allowed to use my bad decisions to prevent me from becoming a decision maker.”
    Typical narcissistic progressive power grifter, with a twist.

  3. The real question: If she sells her soul for 25 tokens, how much will she charge for her congressional vote if elected.
    The outing was simply revealing that the candidate can be bought.

  4. She publicized her already publicly available whoring and blamed Republicans to try to gain notoriety, sympathy, donations, and, if nothing else, a long list of men to railroad her for cash


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