The US government will spend $1.2 billion to suck carbon out of the air and bury it deep under the Earth. Some geologists say it will cause earthquakes. Many geologists said it won’t cause earthquakes, but so many say it will have very little effect, so why do it?
It wil be a moneymaker for the elite.
The Democrat Department of Energy (DOE) has been criticized by globalists for plans to hand out up to $500 million to help an oil company suck carbon out of the air in Texas. The UN and other neo-environmentalist globalists don’t want Big Oil involved. They want all fossil fuels gone yesterday.
The Department of Energy announced it would invest in two direct air capture facilities, which will suck the planet-warming gas out of the atmosphere and store it underground.
One of those facilities will be built by Occidental Petroleum, whose CEO Vicki Hollub said earlier this year that direct air capture would help “preserve our industry” and get more oil out of the ground.
The globalist IEA has said that if the world is to limit global warming to 1.5C, there should be no new fossil fuel production facilities. Its forecast states fossil fuel use should fall from providing almost four-fifths of total energy supply today to slightly over one-fifth by 2050.
The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) scientists say the world needs to develop some direct air capture to compensate for the emissions of the hardest to clean up sectors.
[The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change is an intergovernmental body of the United Nations.]
Farmers fear the loss of private land under this UN Agenda 2030-inspired plan. They say it’s a scam.
However, opponents of the idea have argued that among other potential dangers, CCS could trigger earthquakes, Climate Central says.
And for years, geologists have said, “tell us something we didn’t know.” Geologists have been aware since the 1960s that pumping liquids and gases into underground rock formations can trigger earthquakes by adding just a little extra pressure to existing faults in a sort of straw-that-broke-the-camel’s-back effect.
Other geologists support the idea and are working towards it.
That gives some of us the impression they don’t know enough to advance this technology. Others say it won’t even make much of a difference globally.
Heartland Institute finds it’s a waste of money [Granholm committed $1.2 billion to it.] Key Points:
1: The cost to remove CO2 from our atmosphere through CCS is incredibly expensive. At the very least, it is well more than double the “social cost” of carbon dioxide determined by the Obama Administration.
2: Sequestering just a tenth of global emissions would require burying 50 supertankers’ worth of gas daily.
3: Retrofitting coal plants with CCS technologies reduces their thermal efficiency between 25-35 percent, necessitating the additional consumption of 400-600 million tons of coal to replace lost energy production.
4: A 2015 study by MIT researchers published in the Proceedings of the Royal Society A find EPA’s estimate that 90 percent of sequestered CO2 is eliminated in CCS is far too optimistic and that only a small fraction of the CO2 turns to rock, making it possible that much of the gas can find its ways back into the atmosphere.
5: The best, cheapest way to continue to reduce CO2 emissions is to encourage the use of natural gas in our electricity generation mix. CO2 emissions in the United States have been relatively flat since 1990 at the same time that natural gas consumption has increased by 56 percent.
6: Instead of giving subsidies and tax credits to CCS technology companies, better off removing and rejecting unnecessary and detrimental regulations on the natural gas industry.
🌎 JUST ANNOUNCED: We’re investing $1.2B to develop Direct Air Capture Hubs in Texas and Louisiana to remove CO2 directly from the air, create thousands of jobs, and kickstart an industry critical to addressing the climate crisis.
— Secretary Jennifer Granholm (@SecGranholm) August 11, 2023
We all remember from our basic school science classes that trees use photosynthesis to draw in the CO2 and produce oxygen which we breathe. Yesterday I watched a video where vast forest land in east Texas are being clear cut to make room for acres of solar panels. Runoff from these projects are muddying streams, polluting the water, violating environmental regulations and making a once beautiful forested part of our country quite ugly. And I know this is happening elsewhere.
The global warming gang are single handedly destroying everything. Along the coast of the New York, where they’re building wind turbines in the ocean, 15 dead whales have washed up along the fire island shore. This is unprecedented, as they scratch their empty skulls wondering why the whales are dying. You can’t fix stupid.
Don’t forget the endangered raptors including eagles that are being slaughtered in the blades. I know the EPA has saying that’s OK if they’re killed like that.
They cut down 16 million trees in Holland to install wind turbines.
That is 16 million less carbon capturing trees.
co2 is plant food.
The global warming people are completely insane.