While evidence pours in against the Biden crime family, the DOJ is targeting Donald Trump with new charges of obstructing Congress, conspiracy, obstruction or tampering with a witness, victim, or an informant, and civil rights violations.
They could also go conjure up a “fake electors” case, as Michigan did on Tuesday to 16 top state Republicans. They always have fundraising fraud and seditious conspiracy in their toolkit.
The fake elector’s case came Tuesday, and Trump got his target letter on Sunday night. Trump is already “in trouble” for the allegedly classified documents. That case is in Florida.
Right now, they’re looking at J6. Donald Trump told everyone to march peacefully and patriotically, but he allegedly didn’t try to stop it fast enough. Meanwhile, Nancy Pelosi was in charge of Capitol security did nothing.

The DOJ tries to say Donald Trump encouraged the riot and “attack.” The NY Times claims Trump used “apocalyptic” language. Trump’s speech was a typical stump speech and didn’t equal anything near apocalyptic.
In New York City, Trump faces 37 charges. Additionally, there is a case percolating in Atlanta, Georgia. Trump can’t get a fair trial in New York City, Washington D.C., or Atlanta, Georgia.
The Left has made it impossible for Donald Trump to drop out of the race. He needs to win to pardon himself. He must run, and the Bidenistas, which includes Barack Obama and all the other king’s men, are working to make certain he does not enter the Oval Office.
All the agencies are corrupt, forcing him to prove he is innocent.
Trump’s polls show he can win, but Democrats will never let him win. Democrats working Joe Biden’s strings are behind the curtain deciding how best to get rid of Donald Trump. These people are demons.
They know he could get elected, and they will possibly perp-walk him and put him in prison. If not, they will make Trump ill with constant stressful court cases. They’ll kill him with abuse. He is 77 years old.
Right before the election, Democrats will bring down gas prices and inflation. They’ll temporarily fix issues like the border. Americans have short memories and the media lies to them.
When he picks his vice president, someone weak (they’re all weak for one reason or another except Ron DeSantis), and faces prison, they will go for his jugular. Maybe they will make a deal.
They are also determined to bankrupt him and his family.
Democrat will not let him win. You can see that if you are willing to look close enough. If you think this is incorrect, tell me why.
Unfortunately it is true. Even though Trump make the Primary, Democrats will then start all his legal battles, before he can announces his victory, he will be sentence and become disqualified. Ending up giving the seat to incompetent corrupted Biden. They will do everything to get him out. If not successful,I fear to see another Kennedy ending. How sad many democrat voters still don’t believe what Biden did was hurting the country. All those lgbtq++ whatever it is, and extremes Trans culture targeting children that’s the worse thing he did, and some parents so blind that even agreed to let their kids watching trans show.. seriously these ppl are sick and hurting the society.. all blames to Biden…
The Dems need to pay for this criminality.
It wasn’t in politics but in business, but I lost my father to unjust treatment and the resultant massive fatal heart attack.
If the criminal democrats manage to throw Trump in prison, this may cause so much anger in so many tens of millions of Americans that we may see a real insurrection.
January 6 was not an insurrection in any way, shape or form, it was protesters doing MUCH LESS violence than BLM or Antifa…yet being punished 20 times more harshly than BLM and Antifa were.
Trump being railroaded into prison or into his grave and useless American conservatives and independents do nothing to stop the criminals from doing this. Where are all the gun owners and Bible carriers who always threatened to rise up? All talk and nowhere to be found. Are people taking to the streets? Nope. They just sit and complain to each other how bad this administration is. Thankfully, Patriots of the past put up a fight to gain and keep their freedom. Today, we sit and wait for someone to save us. Pathetic.
Agree with everything (but) in your article. It’s a great review of the cancer in our country plus what will happen if We The People don’t stop it. However I think DeSantis is weak on support of MAGA. He’s reversed his position on everything he supported while in Congress. If his core beliefs were totally conservative he would not allow the GOP shenanigans in Florida with delegates. According to Loomer he maybe involved. (Time will tell on that) He’s accepted money from the left. After all he became governor because Trump helped him, now he becomes competitive with Trump instead of helping Trump. I can’t seem to convince myself DeSantis is pro MAGA, My gut says his priority is Pro DeSantis.
DeSantis running was a very self serving thing. His alliances with the RINOs and the left show what he is. DeSantis was a big supporter of major military aid to Ukraine. That is certainly not a MAGA position.
Remember this, if you don’t stick with Trump and help him to get elected everything the Clintons, Bidens, Bushes and every other swamper is doing will grow 10 fold in less than a year. Hitler made history and the swampers will make history. This not just for the money it is now a swamper win or lose situation.
Fight or die – your choice.
Only in the fevered mind of Jack Smith and Merrick Garland would this 14th Amendment strategy have any viability. However, it will accomplish one objective they fear which is the election of Trump, and it will ensure that after January 20, 2025, Trump will do everything in his power to destroy the woke Marxist left in this country, including the declaration of martial law, their arrest for treaon and and sedition and their all but certain public hanging. Yes, they will have achieved exactly what they most fear, a complete takeover by Patriots of every facit of government and judiciary and the complete extirpation of the Left. Tens of millions of Patriots are wearied and disturbed by the inroads of cultural Marxism and I feel are prepared to tolerate and support an interregnum wherein harsh authoritarian rule is required before returning to a full Constitutional government. I witnessed this Chile in 1974. Gen Pinochet overthrew and extirpated the Casto type government and instituted a decade or auhtoritarian rule from which Chile emerged as the weathiest, most productive nation in South America with a standard of living that exceeds even the USA. Yes, it was painful for some, but necessary for the preservation of the liberty, freedomand prosperity of all its citizens. Jack Smith and his ilk are giving us no alternative but to seek the Pinochet Solution.
I agree, the only actions to fix this failure of our nation must be drastic actions.