DHS Awards Millions to Biased Groups to Find American Extremists


“Homeland Security awarded $20 million in grants to police, mental health networks, universities, churches, and school districts to help identify Americans as potential ‘extremists,’” Leo Hohmann wrote on his website. Sounds fine until you dig deeper.

The Department of Homeland Security (DHS) announced the award of 34 grants, totaling $20 million, through the Targeted Violence and Terrorism Prevention (TVTP) Grant Program for Fiscal Year 2023 (FY23).

The TVTP Grant Program provides financial assistance to eligible applicants in local communities across the country to develop targeted violence and terrorism prevention programming in their communities, pilot innovative prevention approaches, and identify prevention best practices that can be replicated in communities nationwide.

It sounds good until you look at all the leftists getting grants, and the only terrorist mentioned in the announcement is a white, mentally ill Nazi.


In the announcement, Secretary Mayorkas provides a clue as to who he thinks the problem is. He points to the one white lunatic who recently shot and killed three black people with a swastika on his rifle because they were black.

“The latest in a long history of American racist killings unfolded early Saturday afternoon after Ryan Palmeter first parked at Edward Waters University,” reported PBS, stirring the pot.

The killer, Ryan Palmeter, was mentally ill and had been in a mental institution.

Ryan Palmeter opened fire using guns he bought legally despite a past involuntary commitment for a mental health exam. He did not have a police record.

Biden stirred up divisiveness with his comments.

“We must say clearly and forcefully that white supremacy has no place in America,” the divisive President Joe Biden said in a statement Sunday. “We must refuse to live in a country where Black families going to the store or Black students going to school live in fear of being gunned down because of the color of their skin.”


Sheriff T.K. Waters said in the news conference. Palmeter shot and killed three people, all Black, at the Dollar General a short time later, Waters said. The victims were targeted because of their race, said Waters.

“This was quite frankly a maniac who decided he wanted to take lives,” Sheriff T.K. Waters said, specifically Black people.

“The manifesto is, quite frankly, the diary of a madman,” he said the next day. “He was just completely irrational. But with irrational thoughts, he knew what he was doing. He was 100 percent lucid.”

There were two other anti-black racist killings by white lunatics over the past decade, one in Buffalo and one in South Carolina. The one in Buffalo was by a leftist. That is tragic and terrible, but not a wave of killings. All three suffered from mental illness.

There have been black-on-white racist killings as well.

The DHS announcement states:

“Created in 2021, CP3 is tasked with strengthening our country’s ability to prevent acts of targeted violence and terrorism nationwide. To help accomplish this mission, CP3 cultivates partnerships across every level of government and within local communities, provides grant funding and prevention training, and promotes greater awareness and understanding of TVTP strategies and best practices. ..”

That’s great, except it’s not aimed at the criminals and terrorists parading over our borders or Antifa or Black Lives Matter.

They’re not weeding out these guys:

Anarcho-communists of Antifa, supported by the Democrat Party.
Black Lives Matter protest, burning buildings down.

According to the DHS website, the 2023 grant program lists [Marxist] equity as one of the priorities.

All you have to do is look at who gets the money, and you can see that list here on Leo Hohmann’s website. Instead of dealing appropriately with criminals and providing guards at schools as one example, they will give millions to politically biased organizations.

If they really cared about terrorism, they’d close the border.

When Democrats in leadership encouraged, exonerated, and bailed out violent communist groups (Antifa and Black Lives Matter) in 2020, that should have been a dead giveaway. They turn Americans against Americans using identity politics.



  1. By definition, due to inaction, McCarthy is complicit in the destruction of America.

    The solution to the Biden problem is fast, strong, relentless action against the Biden regime. McCarthy has betrayed us, fully. He has no capability of being a good person.


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