Document Drop: Obama Admin Rushed to Unmask Gen. Flynn


The Daily Signal obtained documents proving the unmasking of Gen. Michael Flynn was rushed right before they left the White House.

Most of us know much of the following information, but now we have written confirmation in the hand of the Bidenistas.

Even before Donald Trump took office in November and December 2016, the Obama administration officials rushed to unmask soon-to-be national security adviser Michael Flynn. They maneuvered to unseat him in 28 days with the help of Mike Pence who said Mike Flynn lied about his conversation with the Russian ambassador. Trump later pardoned Gen. Flynn.

Gen. Flynn had a harmless conversation with the Russian ambassador, and he had done some lobbying for Turkey.

The Lawless Unmasking

Joe Biden; Samantha Power – the UN ambassador; John Brennan – CIA; Jim Comey – FBI; James Clapper – DNI; Denis McDonough, Obama’s chief of staff; then-treasury Secretary Jacob Lew; and Elizabeth Sherwood-Randall, deputy secretary at Obama’s Energy Department all had access to secret information about Gen. Michael Flynn that was lawlessly unmasked. The intelligence officials are not unusual, but the others are unusual and unacceptable. They violated his rights.

Most surprisingly, they shared it with Deputy Treasury Secretary Sarah Raskin, wife of Rep. Jamie Raskin, D-Md. Jamie Raskin is the son of a communist.

White House staff greet the new administration. They define the words “sore loser.”

In a joint session of Congress in January 2017, Jamie Raskin voted against certifying Trump’s Electoral College victory. The Maryland Democrat later would lead House lawmakers named as “managers” of Trump’s second impeachment in 2021.

That’s what Donald Trump was indicted for – not wanting the election certified in 2020 because he saw it as illegitimate.

The documents obtained by The Daily Signal also show that at least seven U.S. officials working with NATO were provided with information on Flynn, including then-NATO Ambassador Douglas Lute.

John Tefft, then U.S. ambassador to Russia, and several staff members whose names were redacted, also sought and got information on Flynn.

Obama’s ambassador to Turkey, John Bass, obtained information on Flynn. NSA’s internal emails say the information was provided to Bass so he could “better understand and assess the foreign intelligence information contained therein.”

Read the documents on this link and the entire story at The Daily Signal.

The documents are heavily redacted, so you can only imagine what they’re hiding.




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