Elizabeth Warren Says US Constitution Can Co-Exist with Islam


Socialist Elizabeth Warren posted on X that the US Constitution clearly indicates “Muslim civil rights are American civil rights. There is no exception. Hate has no place in America. Islamophobia has no place in America. We will not be silent.”

She posted this two weeks after terrorists slaughtered about 1400 Jewish people, mostly civilians. Warren is mistaken on every level.

Hate and Islamophobia don’t mean we have to agree with or accept Islamist ideology. Not every Muslim follows the extreme ideology, but if they do, it can in no way co-exist with the US Constitution. We don’t accept female genital mutilation (FGM) for one. It’s child abuse.

The religion is also an ideology, mandating observers obey the Koran in every aspect of their lives – including politics – and freedom. It opposes freedom and female equality. The belief system opposes LGBT.

There are exceptions to accepting Muslims, depending on how radical they are.

Warren is wrong about almost everything, and she’s dictatorial about everything. Someone needs to force her to read the Constitution.

I wonder if Jews are losing support with Democrats because there are more Muslims in this country than Jews, therefore, more votes.

Radical Muslims donate to her campaign, and she has never complained about unvetted allies coming across our borders, many from countries that are hotbeds of terrorism. In 2019, she signed up for open borders and defunding of all immigration law enforcement (see below).

This is an example of an exception:

In June 2019, hard-left Democrat Elizabeth Warren called for decriminalizing illegal border crossings.

Leading Progressive groups demanded the decriminalization of illegal border crossings and the closing of detention centers, and they demanded candidates sign on to their ‘free to stay, free to move‘ policy. That policy requires the candidates to not call for comprehensive immigration reform, end mandatory detention, defund ICE, and defund the Border Patrol.

Warren signed on.

They have done all that they called for.




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