NYC Court Awards a Chronically Late Employee $11.25M for Wrongful Termination


A story in The New York Times is mind-numbing but unsurprising since it involves a corrupt New York City court. A former pro bodybuilder, a woman named Röbynn Europe, won 11.25 million for wrongful termination from a high-end gym, Equinox. She claimed she was fired because she is black. Europe was late for work 47 times in ten months!!!

I know New York City courts and juries are thoroughly corrupt. My friend had to pay off everyone to keep one of her apartment buildings in a bogus lawsuit.

Europe claimed she experienced “coded bias of privileged teenagers” as the only black student but wasn’t prepared for the bias at the gym.

Now, you can be accused of subjective “coded bias!”

Europe said she wasn’t prepared for the “crass, unfiltered expressions of prejudice from male colleagues.”

To her, the chronic lateness was a “pretext for discrimination.”

The Times, true to form, was disappointed they didn’t apologize and vow to do better. Seriously, not a joke; that’s what they said. The Times author Ginia Belafante wrote:

“In response to the verdict, Equinox did not engage in the current fashion for self-reproach and vows to do better. Instead, it issued a statement saying that it “vehemently disagreed” with the finding and did not “tolerate discrimination in any form.” In the motion it filed asking the court to reconsider the case, either by way of a new trial or a reduction in the award, lawyers maintained that the jurors, “guided by sympathy and emotion,” had “erroneously” bought into the plaintiff’s claim that she had been the victim of racial animus and “issued extreme, unconscionable damages” as a result.

If they’re innocent, why should they apologize as they fork over $11.25 million? They admitted to a handful of comments that amounted to no-nothings – definitely not worth $11.25 million.

She was unreliable. They had every right to fire her.

It’s not just Manhattan.

The Times author wrote, “In November, a federal jury in Texas awarded $366 million to a Black saleswoman who had sued FedEx over discrimination in a case that was thought to deliver the largest-ever verdict in litigation involving employment and racial bias. Three months later, a federal judge rejected the company’s bid to throw out the award or reduce it.”

Americans have gone mad.

The only privileged person in this is Ms. Europe, thanks to a corrupt court.

Equinox should pull up stakes and move to Palm Beach. If you try to save people on a train from a career criminal or don’t bother to show up at work or have a mad woman accuse you of rape decades ago, you will lose.

I saw this story first on J.D. Rucker’s substack here.



  1. When blacks allow this because some slick attorney sees a paycheck means that employers will be extremely careful about hiring blacks. The employer knows if they reprimand the black individual they will need tons of documentation to prove their case to protect the business. Cases of this nature will backfire on many black individuals who don’t have an ounce of prejudice in their bones because employers will become extremely careful as they should. The woke culture has made it a two edged sword for the employer and the good employee no matter the color of their skin. (sad)

    • I think it would be easier for all businesses to leave NYC. Let the parasites have it. Then do what was done to NYC in the movie, “Escape From New York.”

  2. Failure is rewarded today. Hopefully, the judgement will be thrown out by a higher more intelligent court.


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