Chelsea Mitchell is known as the “fastest girl in Connecticut,” and she is, but she’s not faster than the males who claim they’re female. Mitchell will challenge her state’s law on transgenders in female sports in court.
Mitchell is teaming up with fellow Connecticut residents Selina Soule, 20, Ashley Nicoletti, 19, and Alanna Smith, 19, who ran high school track in the state at the same time she did.

The four are suing the Connecticut Association of Schools and the Connecticut Interscholastic Athletic Conference, seeking to overturn a policy that allows transgender athletes to compete per their gender identity rather than their biological sex.
“I wanted to give voice to my story and help other girls out there so that they wouldn’t have to experience this,” she said.
Miss Mitchell wants males out of female sports.
“It was just obvious to everyone there that they had a huge advantage. Everyone could see it,” Mitchell said.
Just two biological male athletes dominated the field.
Just two athletes took so many opportunities away from biological females,” Mitchell told the New York Post. “Even though there were only two of them, they took 15 state championships away from other girls — and there were 85 girls that were directly impacted from them being in the races.”
The problem of facing other athletes with a built-in biological advantage didn’t go away; in fact, it got worse.
Miss Mitchell first sued in her junior year, but the fight had only just begun.
Look at Lia Thomas and he/her stealing titles women worked so hard for. Lia (William) switched in his junior year, and he dominated the field because of his stature. He wasn’t very competitive in men’s swim meets. He is a fully-equipped male attracted to women by his own account. Hormones are almost meaningless. If they want to change genders, they can’t in sports.
In years past, we had something called transvestites. They are people who like to dress in the clothes of the opposite gender. Many of these so-called transgenders, including drag queens, are transvestites. We are now told we can’t use the word “transvestites.” That’s a political move to grow the number of transgenders. They’re putting transvestites under the transgender umbrella, and it’s inappropriate. And some transvestites, not transgenders, are probably getting into female sports.
If people have the surgery and they’re happy, okay. But, biological males don’t belong in female sports.
Celebrate Pride Month by having the courage to tell the truth. Respect their rights, but the rights of all others as well. Support Chelsea Mitchell.
She was cheated. That’s a leftist state, I do not know how they select their judges, but I can imagine how that is done.
Women, if you don’t like this, you really must change the way you vote, please. It’s well known that the female voting bloc keeps the democrats comfortably in power. A majority of men are not voting for this. These biological males are making a total mockery of modern feminism, inclusivity, and the other code words for it. Unless many women start voting for conservatives that share their values on this unfair abuse of female athletes, then this will only get worse. It’s really your choice, ladies. You have all the voting power you need to change this. The men already support you. By the way, I still call these men transvestites, because that’s the most accurate term for a fully equipped male, dressing as a woman. They’re usually heterosexual, too.
Woman vote for Democrats be most woman want Government to Replace Men. The funny thing is Men are now replacing Woman. I don’t accuse America Woman as a group of being very smart; they are too emotional. That is why I’m Married to an Asian Woman, they are much smarter and far more practical.
Conservative women tend to be less emotional and more rational…Some studies, at least 3 of them, have shown that a large percentage of women on the left have mental issues, I think it is 40% while only about 10% of conservative women have such problems…
If I had a company that hired athletes to endorse my products, I would hire these amazing ladies that were cheated out of their rightful medals and titles. I would call the lady in 3rd place the State Champion and I wouldn’t even mention the other 2 cheaters. Cheaters get disqualified all the time, in sports. This should be no different. The disproportionate performances are all the proof we needed that it’s a grossly unfair advantage that should be disqualified.
That is a fact, more women than men vote left and the left is the side that is pushing all those anti-women trans-people things.
When a woman votes left she votes for males taking away her first place in the sports she excels at.
Same with rape, yes rape, women tend to vote left, but the left is the side that welcomes criminal immigrants and criminal illegals, and those commit a lot of rapes…..
…and the left is the side that releases criminals ( especially non-white criminals ) early or gives them very short sentences…so those criminals are back on the street to rape again, or beat up, or rob, or murder.
Most of the women who vote left don t know enough to know they are voting for all those bad things.
They have been brainwashed into believing voting conservative is voting for evil…they don t know one twentieth of the truth.