Former President Donald Trump Sits Down with Megyn Kelly


Donald Trump deserves credit for sitting down with Megyn Kelly. I didn’t add commentary on this. The full interview will go up today.

Some people want to hear Donald Trump say he made a mistake giving Dr. Fauci such a prominent position in the administration. Others want to hear him say he should have fired him. Megyn Kelly pressed him on it during the interview. She recently said she believes she was vaccine-injured, which could be why she highlighted this particular exchange from the interview.

“You made him a star,” Kelly said. “This is the criticism of you, that you made him the face of the White House coronavirus task force, that he was out at every presser, that he was running herd for the administration on COVID, and that you actually gave him a presidential Commendation before he left office.”

She also asked him if he would like a “do-over” on how he handled Fauci.

Some supporters would have liked to hear him say he would like a “do-over” and would not have given Fauci the spotlight.


He also said he wasn’t to blame for what governors did.

“I allowed the governors to do that. I also allowed Democrat governors to do that. But, I don’t think any of them, none of them did it,” Trump said.

Kelly asked him whether he wished he took a more aggressive stance against Fauci.

“Wouldn’t you like to go back and try to clip his wings? This guy was pushing mask mandates on us. He wanted the most extreme measure at every turn,” Kelly said.

Trump took shots at his rival, Republican Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis, saying that he had praised Fauci and pushed vaccination on the citizens of his state. He favorably compared South Dakota, Tennessee, and South Carolina to Florida, arguing the first three never shut down. Florida shut down for a month in the midst of the pandemic in April 2020.

“There are states that didn’t shut down at all,” Trump said.

“He should say, ‘I closed it down. Eventually, we opened it. But, I closed it down. But, I gave him the right to keep it open if he wanted to.’ I let the governors make the determination as to whether or not to close it down,” Trump continued.

Kelly changed the subject to “Operation Warp Speed,”—which she claims caused vaccine injury for many unfortunate individuals— and his White House’s support of mask mandates, asking if he would “like a do-over” on them.

Trump said “nobody knew” the best way to approach COVID because of the high levels of uncertainty surrounding the virus when it started spreading around the world.

“Now, we do understand it somewhat,” Trump said, “Nobody really understands it even now, fully. But nobody knew what COVID was.”

The former president defended his approach to the vaccine, saying that he never supported mandates. However, he said that the vaccine potentially saved millions of lives.

“I didn’t demand anybody take it,” Trump said.

Trump said that some people, including liberals, told him he “saved 100 million people” because he “got it done in nine months as opposed to five years to 12 Years.”




  1. The clips reminded me the Megan Kelly is all about herself; she thinks she looks better when she portrays others badly.
    She is typical of some who are still on FOX like Hannity and Ingraham.
    Sorry Megan, you still are not worth listening to at all.

  2. Kelly is a not so bright entertainment reporter.

    Fauci was not made a star, he had been a well known figure for 40 years. The media made Fauci a star. Kelly wanted to be a star.

    Trump had no authority to shut down states. He only had that power in federal facilities. He argued a few times to stop the mandates.

  3. Evidently a President doesn’t have the authority to Fire Fauci. That’s the benefit of the bureaucracy.

    As far as masks, the CDC reported on their website years earlier that the majority of Spanish Flu deaths were not from the flu but bacterial pneumonia.



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