Fox Bans Any Mention of Tucker and Tonight’s Interview


Fox News has allegedly put a full ban on everyone at Fox from making any mention of Tucker Carlson’s interview tonight with Donald Trump. Fox can no longer say they are promoting free speech. This is very petty if true. Tucker biographer Chadwick Moore has a whistleblower at Fox who gave him the information.

Moore spoke with Benny Johnson on The Benny Show.

“They are totally banned— all shows are banned— from even mentioning that Trump will be on the show. If Trump breaks news, they can’t mention it… Explicitly, everyone at Fox has been told they can’t mention this or what happens on it.”


Tucker released a clip from tonight’s interview with Donald Trump. It sounds like it will prove far more interesting than the talking point candidates on Fox.



  1. HEY Murdock and FOX !!!

    Thought you should know
    that over 215,000,000 views now
    have watched the Tucker TRUMP interview (views keeps climbing)

    Damn good thing you BANNED mentioning it ”

    might have over a BILLION VIEWS otherwise
    Good JoB FOX!

    hahahhahahHHhhH HA..HA A

  2. Faux News has been practicing government style censorship a long time. A great example is 2000 mules. They fire people who dissent (Dobbs, Tucker, others). This is the same kind of censorship which was used to rig the 2020 election, which Faux also participated in.


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