Calin Georgescu, the former President of the Club of Rome, warns that the oligarchs have the power in Europe because they control people like the president or Prime Minister. Donald Trump was a “big shock. They didn’t expect that to happen. That was an accident and not part of their game.”
It was the “first time the oligarchy system” was disrupted. [Donald Trump’s election] interrupted the plan to cause “a disaster regarding food and water.” They wanted the disaster to arrive in 2020, but now they are planning it for 2025.
“These are the last moments and we have to be to have the courage now, all of us to say ‘no.’
The “UN could be a fantastic…have a fantastic role” …but it’s not because it’s totally under control of the oligarchs.”
Georgescu said the oligarchs are tied to a system of pedophilia.
Listen very carefully, in fact, you may have to listen twice (it’s a short video). This is what we’re up against. It’s for real, they’re no longer hiding. The HQ is the WEF, there are many of these elites and they believe they know better as to how we should live our lives. This…
— General Mike Flynn (@GenFlynn) June 12, 2023
He didn’t present evidence and we don’t know how accurate his statements are, but we do know the farms are being shut down in The Netherlands and other countries as Joe Biden threatens to severely restrict farming in the United States.
Here’s the undeniable proof that he Netherlands is a pilot country for the WEF’s Great Reset and the 2030 agenda. Straight from @ProfKlausSchwab himself to his puppet @markrutte.
— Eva Vlaardingerbroek (@EvaVlaar) June 12, 2023
Klaus Schwab’s 4th Reich? Watch the next clip.
The WEF is the 4th Reich. Listen up.
— 🧃Sebastiaan (@WappieSebastian) June 6, 2023
If people would have taken off their blinders and used alternative sources, such as Infowars, they would have known these things years ago. Infowars is not a bunch of hype, it covers these things in detail, such as, who said, did, and wrote what.
Be sure to listen carefully to the video’s and read the letter.
Especially note:
@WappieSebastian The WEF is the 4th Reich.
Evil people gain power by deceiving the naïve and ignorant. How else does a Fetterman get to be a senator and a seeming senile man become president?
For those who decry the USA and its constitution: imagine what it is like to live in Maoist China under the CCP, in the of the Muslim countries that deny freedoms, in some of the Latin American (or African) countries, which are in effect totalitarian or even in Putin’s Russia.
The real danger is not the label such as fascist, communist, etc., but the the elitist totalitarian spirit that wants to control and manage all lives from the benefit of the few.
If “communism” was true the slogan: ‘from each according to their ability, to each according to their need’ today there is no communism, for those who try to use the label are simply totalitarians who abuse others for personal gain in wealth and power.
Selfish people manipulate others using their selfishness. How Hitler took over Germany (Sabastian) reveals the truth. Appeal to selfishness, making lying promises to win elections and then effectively stop fair elections.
Christianity teaches true unselfishness and as the USA moves away from the Creator of the Bible, things simply get worse and worse.
“Romans 1:32 “Even though they know God’s righteous decree that those who do these things are worthy of death, such people not only continue to do them, but also approve of others who continue to commit such sins.” The summary of the catalogue of sins is that the most corrupt delight in converting others to corruption an then using them for their own gain.
Thank you for all your great comments and views. I enjoy them very much.
You are gracious. Thanks.
There will always be people who want to take control. It is being manifested now like never before, due to global communications, financials, and transportation.
I think Hitler was a reaction against the NWO, with the WW1 it created, and the created economic collapse in Germany. Hitler was a very vengeful reaction to how Germany was treated. So Hitler as a NWO foe is the one we hear about constantly, whereas Stalin and Mao, as NWO creations, are mentioned rarely.