Giant Meat Seller Tyson Foods Is Investing in Insect Protein


Insect ingredients are going to end up in animal food. That seems like the camel’s nose under the tent to me, but what do I know? CNN reports Tyson’s planning to develop products that come from insect protein.They’ve teamed up with Protix on this venture.

Since one goal of the World Economic Forum and the UN is to force people to eat insects instead of meat, it might be time to worry.

“The meat processor said on Tuesday that it has invested in Protix, a Netherlands-based insect ingredients maker. Tyson is not only taking a minority stake in the company but is working alongside it to build a US factory. That facility will use animal waste to feed black soldier flies, which will then be turned into food for pets, poultry, and fish.”

Oh, yum.

“Those flies are not going into human food at this point. “Today, we’re focused on more of [an] ingredient application with insect protein than we are a consumer application,” said John R. Tyson, the chief financial officer of Tyson Foods.”

That’s nice. It’s allegedly sustainable, and the god of net zero is calling.

They’re incrementally forcing insects into our food supply. When you eat the meat, you get the insects and their alleged protein.

Josh Galt, in the post below, says it’s not a conspiracy and insects are a natural and nutritious feed source for poultry. Protix grows maggots, not crickets, so you should feel relieved. Okay, then.

So, here are the brands Tyson makes and which you might want to put on your blacklist if they expand into human food.

Legal Insurrection posted this video which explains:

Social media users don’t like the idea at all.



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