Hillary Clinton Cackles from Clown World


Hillary Clinton, who was never prosecuted for the Russia collusion hoax, cackles wildly on the news that Stalinist Democrats are ruining 19 lives with charges that Republicans believe are fraudulent. They faced a Democrat grand jury, will face a Democrat jury, a compromised Democrat judge, and a Democrat media.

“I can’t believe this,” Hillary said as she cackled gleefully at the misery of 19 people.

“Yes, yeah, this is not the circumstances in which I expected to be talking to you,” said Rachel Maddow.

“Nor me, Rachel. It’s always good to talk to you, but honestly, I didn’t think that it would be under these circumstances. Yet another set of indictments.”

Hillary said, “We came, we saw, he died,” as she rolled in laughter over the brutal torture and execution of Muammar Gaddafi. She launched a war without congressional approval that ended in what she saw as his funny assassination.

She unleashed a war against the most productive African country with a leader who was not attacking the US. When she was done, Libya was run by terrorists hoping to destroy the United States.

Hillary never paid a price for that.

Who can forget Hillary Clinton’s hysterical laughter over Muammar Gaddafi’s brutal death?



  1. oh…that must be the same failed and rejected wife Hillary Clinton who dispensed favorable eulogies at he funerals of ded kkk officials (Sen. Robert Byrd et al)…..with Joe Biden clapping in the audience and also issuing euologies to the thankfully ded vicious lowlifes.

  2. Anybody who thinks THAT is Hillary is oblivious to reality. Masks and deepfake audio do wonders…

    Hillary is “teaching” at Columbia supposedly which is an attempt from lie stream news to make it look like she is not in gitmo or dead.

    Jan 6th 2023…Hillary lands teaching gig at Columbia.

    Hahahahah…coverup for her being in jail…

    search it yourself..

    • Just like Fraudci is supposedly teaching at Georgetown.

      It’s what the media says when somebody is locked up to make them look like they are actively working in society.

      Fraudci was in Gitmo after his famous November 2022 speech…”you may not see me behind the podium anymore” because he knew he was being locked up. “He” retires in Dec 2022 after just STRONGLY committing to saying he would most certainly work til 2025…hahaha

      Go ahead and show me where Fraudci is “teaching” at Georgetown.

  3. I could not even get myself to play the videos in this article. God hates arrogant haughty wickedness. True justice is coming for all.

    • play the video
      where the “haughty witch”
      gets tossed into the back of a van
      like a sack of potatoes

      that will brighten your day !
      never forget, she will never be president


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