Here’s a shocker. The Speaker, who voted with Democrats 51% one year of the time, according to some reports, is looking for a way out of even an impeachment inquiry on the corrupt Joe Biden.
The sky is falling, and the Bidens are probably criminals. Yet, Republicans still might not initiate an impeachment inquiry. The borders are open to millions of anonymous people, and nothing is done about it.
According to a new report, McCarthy has made it more difficult to impeach Joe Biden. It seems he wants to hold a vote before even beginning an impeachment inquiry.
House Speaker Kevin McCarthy made clear to Breitbart News on Friday that if House Republicans move forward with an impeachment inquiry into Democrat President Joe Biden, the move would come not as an announcement from him or anyone else, but from a formal vote on the floor of the House.
“To open an impeachment inquiry is a serious matter, and House Republicans would not take it lightly or use it for political purposes. The American people deserve to be heard on this matter through their elected representatives,” McCarthy told Breitbart News. “That’s why, if we move forward with an impeachment inquiry, it would occur through a vote on the floor of the People’s House and not through a declaration by one person.”
Democrats warned Republicans impeachment will backfire on them. Maybe that is what has McCarthy spooked. That or he made a deal. Meanwhile, Democrats impeached Donald Trump twice for nothing, created felonies out of misdemeanors, and invented crimes to indict Donald Trump.
The country is being ruined domestically and abroad, yet, Republicans do nothing.
What did voters expect when the Chicken s/// Reps elect this scumbag from Calif as Speaker. He is never been conservative he has always been a RINO and anyone with any brain matter knows that anything coming out of Calif now is a traitor.
I have always thought that nothing would come of all this the RINOs will do nothing after all the hearings call them the do nothing gang they are like a bull with one nut all they do is bellar and shit.
I find that these message boards are very much like McCarthy…all talk, no action
Hey dudley, you just reminded me of “dudley doright” (cartoon) with your comment. I have no idea why.
First I have no idea what others that comment here are doing and “not” doing to save our country from future enslavement except for M. Dowling who manages this sight “without” any financial assistance from any person or entity and she will not accept any donations. WHAT ARE YOU DOING?
Many on this sight have extensive knowledge obtained over many years and spend time all over the internet in chats reminding people of the coming dangers for our citizens and the world. WHAT ARE YOU DOING?
Personally I spend from $100-200 per month personally passing out a documentary to people I have *never* met or known that are Christians that I suspect may vote Democrat or know someone that votes Democrat. WHAT ARE YOU DOING?
Oh, BTW, I am a disablebed Vietnam 1966-69 veteran on a “limited” income that spends that to help people realize and learn our country is in danger because of Democrat and RINO politicians. It’s a very truthful documentary. WHAT ARE YOU DOING?
BTW there are right winger war mongering NEOCONS, RINOS, and business entities that are making tons of money because of this totalitarian take over in our country that lie to us about the Ukrainian/Russian war. But M. Dowling has never lied to us or avoided telling the truth. “Again” WHAT ARE YOU DOING?
The documentary is “Will You Go To Hell For Me?”. Every Christian in the United States should review this startling new documentary from Vince Everett Ellison, revealing how Democrats have contaminated America’s soul and why voting for them can keep you from Heaven. IF YOU”RE NOT DOING ANYTHING YOU COULD WATCH THIS DOCUMENTARY! Then consider passing some out!
There was a House mens room argument between McCarthy and Swalwell. It ended when Swalwell got up in McCarthy’s face and said in measured words…
“You … Are …. A …. PUSSY”
McCarthy stood speechless for a minute then simply turned around and walked away.
Folks, THIS is why McCarthy had just 4% Voter support for Speaker. The guy is a total WASTE of O2. I frankly don’t know who is worse, he or McConnell.
The SHEER STUPIDITY is astounding. They either take decisive, aggressive action or there will be a HUGE price to pay.
I actually do not think impeaching Biden now is a smart or correct move. Would tie up congress with another dog and pony show, elicit sympathy for the old man, give us Kamala and NOTHING would change.
It would also have the GOP do Dems dirty work FOR them as in putting the DNC’s Biden out FOR them.
But by this time, GARLAND AND MAYORKIS should be GONE. Republicans could refer a THOUSAND crimes to Garland, he will bury every one of them.
This will not happen either. Every GOP voter should be FLOODING the DC switchboard DEMANDING McCarthy be replaced.
LOL! No way! The guy we didn’t want for Speaker, because he’s a Globalist-Democrat shill, is being a Globalist-Democrat shill!? I’m shocked! SHOCKED!
A man married a widow who had been married for 20 years. On their wedding night she told him to be gentile because she was still a virgin. He asked how that was possible after 20 years of marriage. She answered that her dead husband was a Republican politician who told he every day how good the sex was going to be but at bed time did nothing.
McCarthy was a known colluder with the left long ago.
In he Obama years, he showed aggressive support of leftist spending bills for Obama. Some GOP members accused him of deliberately lying about the bills to them.
He was shown in writing to have supported the removal of Trump for the January 6th protest.
He then arranged the passage of the most reckless leftist spending bill in history.
No one who’s been paying attention can sincerely claim to be surprised by this. It’s the Establishment Republican method for holding on to the privileges and perquisites of office: impassioned words, angry gestures, frantic fundraising…and zero action. And one must admit: they do get returned to office. That says more about us than about them, don’t you think?
I understand the title of this article, but there was no hope for impeachment with the corrupt RINOs in charge, especially with China Mitch so against it and so close to Biden. Mitch controls most money in the party. The idea of hope is silly, because it implies we are riding the RINO/Fox News soap opera.
The way conservatism is neutralized is to continually humiliate us with their weakness and deliberate losses. That is the RINO goal, they hate us.
Of course he wants a ‘vote’. He’ll make sure a small number of “moderates” will end it once and for all. An impeachment committee has just too much power and can uncover just too much evidence.
If the house impeaches Biden it’s a nothing burger; the Senate will not have enough votes to remove O’Biden. If the Republicans do that, the only thing it will do for them is help both Democrats and Republicans raise money from supporters and donors.
I doubt that. Biden will get no sympathy vote from further exposure for the crook he is.
It is the duty of congress to attempt impeachment, for the nation.
The DC club members will never impeach one of their own. Most of them are all in it together, because they all have dirt on each other.