By Mark Schwendau
Life-long Democrat Dr. Anthony Fauci taught us during the Covid-19 pandemic, we are all to follow and trust the science. That made a lot of sense until he announced he was the science (“I am the science.” 6/9/21). Fauci was the director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases from 1984 to 2022 and chief medical advisor to the president from 2021 to 2022. Not reported, though, he is not a virologist.
Meanwhile, that pandemic manmade crisis passed, and now we are forced to focus on another supposed manmade crisis, climate change. The Biden administration seemingly wants us to all drive electric vehicles and use electric home appliances. If we still had a functional IRS and FBI, one would think they would be investigating money under the table from the electric appliance and energy industries to Democrats.
It has been known for years that natural gas is one of the most clean and effective forms of energy the earth offers man. As a matter of fact, years ago, some vehicles were converted from gasoline to liquefied propane (LP) when climate change was first a concern. While propane vehicles are still available, they no longer get the hype that electric vehicles (EV) do because, well, you know, politics.
So the Democrats on the Hill are 24/7 about climate change and how we must stop using fossil fuels to stop the climate from changing, and that means we need to get rid of everything like coal, crude, and natural gas. The problem with their argument is all the past matrices used to prove climate change (or rather predict future climate change) are now changing themselves.
So if we are going to play nice with our little Democrats and “follow the science,” we all must address the following: “The HOAX of “Climate Change.”
- “In late 2009, a whistleblower leaked thousands of emails between scientists in high-ranking positions in the IPCC. These emails document their ‘unethical attempts to suppress contrary opinions and publications from climate skeptics.’”
- Take the time to read this piece, but here is a synopsis of what this article offers:
Reason 1. Ice Records, 2. Cold Temperatures, 3. Record Levels of Snow, 4. It is good for the Bears, 5. Rising Oceans, 6. Moose are Thriving 7. Scientists are not falling for the Hype; Carbon Sinks are around 9. Long History of No Global Warming, and 10. NASA says so.
- “The ozone layer is slowly, but surely, healing, the UN says.”
- “As weather disasters increase, deaths from them have actually fallen.” You read that right! Even though the earth has doubled in population from 4 billion in 1973 to 8 billion today, climate-related deaths are down. As the PBS article relates:
“Over the past 50 years, the number of deaths attributed to weather-related disasters has actually fallen. Yes, you heard that right. The World Meteorological Organization says that the number of disasters has increased five times over the past 50 years, but the number of fatalities has fallen by two-thirds.”
- “Parts of Great Barrier Reef show highest coral cover seen in 36 years.”
- “Is The Hockey Stick Graph Debunked?”
“The hockey stick graph has been used by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) to support its claim that human activity is causing the Earth to warm. However, the IPCC’s claim is not supported by the evidence, and the hockey stick graph has been debunked by a number of scientists.”
The Biden Administration and Democrats feigning concern over our global climate is a ploy that should be labeled for what it is, treason. It is about Democrats gaining power, control, and money.
Some estimates claim Obama’s failed green companies, like Solyndra, cost American taxpayers over 1 billion dollars.
Most Americans do not want to live without gas stoves, water heaters, clothes dryers, etc. AND WE SHOULDN’T HAVE TO!
The year I was born, in 1954, my parents ran out to buy a window air conditioner, even though it was a bit beyond their means. Why?
The State of Illinois recounts:
“On the morning of July 14, 1954, residents of southern Illinois arose to face yet another scorching day of 100‐degree heat. By late afternoon, East St. Louis was nearly burned off the map when it reached 117 degrees—the hottest temperature ever recorded in Illinois.”
Later that fall, northern Illinois would face the “1954 October Floods”.
Climate change is made by God and not by man.
And why is it that our weather folks never talk about El Niño and La Nina anymore?
Copyright © 2023 by Mark S. Schwendau
Mark S. Schwendau is a retired technology professor who has always had a sideline in news-editorial writing where his byline has been, “Bringing little known news to people who simply want to know the truth.” He is a Christian conservative who God cast to be a realist. His website is www.IDrawIWrite.Tech.
If you just go outside and look around, ask questions, look at history then consider the ebb and flow of the ICE Age, a known and proven natural event.. The climate scam is one of the greatest lies ever told. Nothing to do with climate and everything to do with taking away your freedoms.
I live in the woods. 35 years. Not much changes. Cold = drought. Hot = humid. The sun has cycles of increased activity. The jetstream is the biggest factor for my weather. Wildlife is abundant. If I turn off the news, I would not know there is climate change.
If it doesn’t favor the lib agenda they won’t agree with it FJB.
Media reports on the Ozone layer always left out an important characteristic. The sun has a direct impact on the layer and in winter months is at it’s minimum. When media reports wrote about the “Ozone Hole” it was always during the sun’s least impact.
The Climate Hoax is much easier to see the problematic nature with an understanding of “control theory”, or, commonly called, PID algorithm. When I learned the source code for the models was proprietary I assumed it was highly sophisticated. Come to find out the “scientists” using PID for their models aren’t even using PID. Given all this, I’d have to even question their educational background.
The climate changes and always will. You’ve spent billions to find this out.
Tje climate scam has been exposed as a hoax again and again. And we’ll STILL stand by like sheep as the FJB Regime sprays aluminum into tje atmosphere to block the sun. No, it isn’t a conspiracy theory. Look it up.
The Hockey stick has been more than debunked.
I do not have the link now, but a few years ago, the supreme court of a Canadian province ( can t remember which one ) asked the author of the hockey stick thing ( who was suing someone ) to provide his data and his method to obtain the hockey stick graph…he refused.
So he lost his case.
Obviously the reason he is refusing to show us how he got a hockey stick graph is that he cheated, he twisted – doctored – the computer program or the input data to make it do a hockey stick graph.
His defeat at a supreme court was not mentioned in the Main Stream Media and the rare media that mentioned this story twisted it to make it sound like his hockey stick thing was still true.
I know my comment is very vague but that was aproximately 5 years ago and I do not have the link right now and that is all I remember.
If his hockey stick method was genuine he would not hesitate to show us how he did it.
It is more than debunked, it has been shown to be a fraud ( that the MSM does not want you to know about )
I am reminded of an old saying in the computer world, “garbage in, garbage out”. Referring to whatever a programmer sets up the computer initial coding to find will be the result shown, if coded to do so. Or something like that. So, like all the polls and such, the results will reflect the bias of the folks doing the polling. Learned that a long time ago.
Space Weather News for July 7, 2023
it’s huge; 4-5 times bigger than earth!
If humans follow the science the primates and insects will have the planet again until…….
Did you run out of ink and what are you even talking about?
The more sun spots the warmer it is. The less sun spots the cooler it becomes. Nothing in the universe will change that, especially some man made hoax will have no effect on sun spots.
Next you will tell me plate shift and volcanos effect CLIMATE. lol Damn Fred Flintstone for inventing the wheel and skin brakes. WILMA!!!!!!