If You Ain’t Woke, You Ain’t Black


Rep. Cori Bush, speaking for every Black person in the United States, claims that you’re anti-black if you complain about wokeness.

“Unless you are saying, ‘I’m racist, white supremacist, and I’m bigoted,’ stop talking about wokeness … Don’t let a fascist tell you what being woke means,” Cori says.


She made the comments during a House Oversight and Accountability Committee hearing on Tuesday. The hearing was on the far-far-left ESG or environmental, social, and governance ideology.

Bush pointed to the frequent use of “wokeness” among Republican leaders. She claimed that those who fixate on establishing themselves as anti-woke are actually saying, “I don’t want black people to speak up for themselves. I don’t want equality and justice for black folks.”

Wow, who knew all that was included in wokeness?

Cori Bush

Last month, Bush proposed a $14 trillion resolution for Reparations. She wants black people to receive compensation for the legacy of slavery and racism in the United States. People who never enslaved anyone should pay off people who were never enslaved.

I say if you want innocent people to give you trillions, you’re the racist.

It’s similar to what Joe Biden said to Charlamagne the God. “If you have a problem figuring out whether you’re for me or Trump, then you ain’t black.” That’s why we picked the title. The Left wants to make anything you disagree with them on a racial matter. They don’t care how they demean black people to do it. For example, they said black people aren’t capable of getting photo IDs and that’s why you can’t require photo IDs to vote. That’s insulting, but it works.



  1. More racist rhetoric from someone who doesn’t belong in our government.

    Reparations? She should research her family tree to see how many of her black ancestors owned black slaves.

  2. And black people wonder why people don’t like them. Maybe its because they are a cancer on society. The only race on the planet that act like savages. Want to call me a racist? Fine but don’t think that my racism was plucked out of thin air. It came from experience having to spend years dealing with this uncivilized bunch. If I could ship the vast majority the hell out of here, I would.

    • No thanks, Ms. Bush (And yes, you are, in fact, racist). We’ll keep calling wokeness exactly what it is: garbage. Nice try, but we’re not going to sit down in the back of the bus. Woke has become a pejorative, and that’s a good thing. It’s never going to become respectable. It is, however, fantastic comedy material. The public is laughing at it, daily.


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