Gov. Gavin Newsom (D-CA) has made it possible for illegal aliens to become police officers on the local, county, and state levels. They can now police Americans even though they break our laws to come into the US. We don’t even know their background.
The law, implemented earlier this year, requires only that officers have a work permit issued by the federal government. Work permits, specifically under President Joe Biden’s administration, are given out regularly to border crossers and illegal aliens released into the United States after crossing the southern border.”
Now, Illinois is looking to do the same thing.

Non-U.S. citizens may soon be able to become police officers in Illinois also, pending Governor Pritzker’s approval.
Even if he doesn’t sign the bill, the Democrat supermajority can overrule him.
Federal law only allows U.S. citizens to serve as officers and deputies. But, since this bill passed the Illinois House and Senate, we could soon see work-eligible immigrants become a part of law enforcement in the state of Illinois.
In 2021, the Federal Government passed a bill that allowed some undocumented immigrants to become healthcare workers and military members. The bill’s sponsor called the introduction of this new bill a “natural progression.”
Democrats are destroying what it means to be a citizen. They are destroying the United States.
Building their army.
The same thing is going on all over the world.Migrants are nearly all male and all
are of military age.For backup UN blue helmets are ready to pour all over our borders.Note,not one major political figure has demurred,no high ranking police officers are concerned and no generals are there to lead .No good waiting for Trump,he will never be allowed to even run for president.De Santis apears to have sold out so you had better start thinking because you have only a couple of months to go before the fireworks start.
Obama’s “civilian” army, just as well funded as the regular one….
I will likely blow the skin off the skull of a cholo/ms-13 m3mber knocking on my door as “authoritah”…very good luck w/that.
BEEN ready for this.
Time to stop being polite and state the simple facts… these leftist scumbags need to be exterminated!! It is that simple… allow this to continue and there will be nothing left of AMRICA as we new it. Let the purge begin!!
Same thought!
does anything good come out of illinois? do we need it?
A ‘natural☭agression’
We said! That is the bottom line “Democrats are destroying what it means to be a citizen. They are destroying the United States.”
A country that does not have a sound definition of citizenship is likely to fall. A country that allows people ignorant of the principles of governing on which the country was founded and made it strong, to vote will fall.
AOC is a prime example of the folly.
This has been the plan since Obama was elected. He called for an army more powerful and larger than our military.
Please clarify further!
Pay attention!
The turd stated he wanted an army to use against citizens that would be larger than our military.[wpd-tenor full=’hkGWzq561bIAAAAM/poop.gif’ preview=’hkGWzq561bIAAAAe/poop.png’ width=’220′ height=’236′]
Here is just one of dozens of articles where Obamanation declares his desire for a national police force… why do you think the leftist scumbags are doing all they can to defund and destroy our current policing policies and system?!! Obmanation and Soros are hell bent on controlling the public at large, and stripping all civilians of any weapon regardless its intended purpose. They know as long as we can defend ourselves, they will never control us; and that is the stated objective… total control.
They got you by the ‘something tender’, and they are pulling. 87,000 ARMED IRS Agents…and another 80,000 in the wings…and ILLEGAL aliens WILL BE locking you up. Unfortunately there are even AMERICANS(?) voting against America…They vote Demoncrap…
You are strongly suggesting that what we are seeing is the surface, but in the background it is really a spiritual warfare. There is a lot of merit in that thought.
Peter, you have it exactly correct. We are witnessing spiritual warfare.
Ephesians 6:12
King James Version
12 “For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.”
This refers to demonic powers exercising control over humans who do not know Jesus as Savior.