Iran Infiltrated Obama and Biden Administrations


Corporate media, so focused on dis- and misinformation in the United States, missed enemy governments running a terrifying censorship industrial complex in the United States.

A new bombshell report claims that senior Iranian Foreign Ministry officials executed a secret influence operation in 2014 to strengthen Iran’s position on global security matters, especially its nuclear program, by establishing a network of influential researchers and academics in the United States and Europe, reports American Military News.

According to emails obtained by Semafor and Iran International, the influence operation, known as the Iran Experts Initiative, provided diplomats working for President Hassan Rouhani with access to influential policy circles during former President Barack Obama’s administration.

Semafor reported at least three people in the operation were either serving as aides or later became aides to Robert Malley, the Biden administration’s special envoy to Iran, whose security clearance was suspended earlier this year.

The emails obtained by Semafor and Iran International indicate that the Iran Experts Initiative was launched after Rouhani’s 2013 election. At the time, Rouhani was attempting to press for a nuclear agreement deal with Western nations.

The emails claim that Iran’s Foreign Ministry used the Institute for Political and International Studies think tank to connect with 10 “core” members of the Iran Experts Initiative in order to promote the potential for a nuclear deal between Iran and the United States, which was eventually reached in 2015.

“This initiative which we call ‘Iran Experts Initiative (IEI)’ consists of a core group of 6-10 distinguished second-generation Iranians who have established affiliations with the leading international think tanks and academic institutions, mainly in Europe and the US,” Saeed Khatibzadeh, an Iranian diplomat and future Foreign Ministry spokesman, wrote in a 2014 email to Mostafa Zahrani, head of the Institute for Political and International Studies think tank.

Reporter Josh Kraushaar wrote on X:

“In the spring of 2014, senior Iranian Foreign Ministry officials initiated a quiet effort to bolster Tehran’s image and positions on global security issues — particularly its nuclear program — by building ties with a network of influential overseas academics and researchers. They called it the Iran Experts Initiative…

The officials, working under the moderate President Hassan Rouhani, congratulated themselves on the impact of the initiative: At least three of the people on the Foreign Ministry’s list were, or became, top aides to Robert Malley, the Biden administration’s special envoy on Iran, who was placed on leave this June following the suspension of his security clearance.”

In April 2021, we were told John Kerry was passing military operations information to Iran. Iran’s foreign minister Javad Zarif said in a leaked recording that former US Secretary of State John Kerry told him about over 200 covert Israeli attacks on Iranian interests in Syria during President Donald Trump’s administration. The recordings were obtained by the New York Times and Iran International. Zarif said the Revolutionary Guard and the supreme leader kept him in the dark about government negotiations and military operations and he was receiving Intel from Kerry.

Kerry denied it and that was the end of it.




  1. Iran didn’t need to “infiltrate” the Obama and Biden Regimes! They work to please Iran (and China, and NK, and every other modern dictatorship) instead of Americans. The “infiltrators” were probably invited! LOL! MAGA!

  2. Three things,

    -1- So we are not guilty of coming up with silly conspiracy theories; Iran had in fact infiltrated the Democrat, the Obama administration.

    -2- and also this one was not a silly conspiracy theory either; Kerry is a traitor and was seen meeting shady people in Iran.

    -3- There was a reason why Obama was so close to Valerie Jarrett who was born in Iran…

  3. Chinese and Iranian intelligence services make the British and USA equivalents look elementary school kids in advance university studies. Now whether that is do to the political oversight, or competence, today seems to “both.”


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