J6 Prosecutor Who Went on a Stabbing Spree Freed Same Day


If you remember, one of the J6 protesters, Adam Johnson, carried Nancy Pelosi’s lectern across the chamber and then put it down. Mr. Johnson spent only minutes in the Capitol. As a joke, he had his picture taken with Nancy Pelosi’s lectern. It was a joke! For that, he was treated worse than a NY felon, given a 75-day prison sentence, followed by a year-long supervised release. He also had to pay a $5,000 fine and complete 200 hours of community service. He also had to abide by a curfew. Recently, the prosecutor, who gave him this extreme sentence went on a stabbing spree and was freed the same day.

Patrick Scruggs with his bloody pocket knife

The violent prosecutor,  Patrick Douglas Scruggs, was arrested. Of course, he’s innocent until proven guilty, but there are eyewitnesses, and there was blood on the knife he was holding.

As Newsweek said, he got better bail than some of the accused in the January 6 case even though he stabbed a driver in a bit of road rage and tried to stab two Good Samaritans.

Some of the J6 protesters are being held without bail three years after the riot as if they are domestic terrorists.

Booking photo of Patrick Douglas Scruggs

Meanwhile, former assistant, US attorney Patrick Scruggs, who prosecuted some of the J6 protesters and gave them very stiff sentences, has been charged with aggravated battery, aggravated assault, and armed burglary. He was out on $65,000 bail on the same day of his stabbing spree.

Eyewitnesses accuse him of breaking the window of a vehicle that hit his sedan on Interstate 275 and stabbing the driver. He also attempted to stab a couple who stopped to help the victim and then fled the scene. The stabbing victim was hospitalized for serious injuries.

It’s good to know we don’t have a two-tiered justice system.



  1. But Merrick Garland told us, assured us that there is not two different systems of justice, one for democrats and one for Republican…

    Merrick Garland would never lie to us …right ?


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