James Woods Posts a Clip of “Sweet” Sheila Lee


James Woods posted a leaked audio of Rep. Jackson Lee talking to her staff member. He linked it, saying, “She seems sweet though.”

Here’s a partial transcript without the curse words:

“I don’t want you to do a G**Da** thing. I want you to have a f****** brain… I want you to have read it… I want you to say, Congresswoman, it was such and such a date. that’s what I want you… that’s the kind of stuff that I want to have. So, if some other stupid  m*****f***er did it, and I don’t have the information, nobody sent me the information, I need to ensure my schedule, and you know if booboo did it, if s***a** did it, if f***f**e did it, and nobody knows a g** d*** thing in my office, K? Nothing. I gave it to you. Your job was to get on the calendar and print it in your brain, send me the information back…”

She is lovely, isn’t she?



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