President Donald Trump’s former White House advisor Kellyanne Conway told her nearly ex-husband George Conway on Twitter not to cave to his newfound leftist friends. She also praised him and listed his accomplishments.
George Conway appeared to agree with the Supreme Court decision on affirmative action while on Twitter. That’s a no-no with the Left.
“I despise squeezing human beings into checkboxes,” tweeted Conway last Thursday
“You should too.”
“There are days when progressive apocalypticism approaches the level of Trumpist apocalypticism, and this day is one of them,” he added.
Elie Mystal took exception because acceptance requires you to agree with every single thing the Left wants and says.
“Happy ‘George Conway is not your friend’ Day for all who observe,” MSNBC’s Elie Mystal said.
Kellyanne graciously came to his rescue but followed it up by telling him not to respond to the bullying.
“Attacking. @gtconway3d for agreeing with #SupremeCourt that it’s unconstitutional to consider race in college admissions is especially rich. George is Asian; a product of public schools; accepted to Harvard at 16, Yale Law School at 20; made partner at top law firm at 30; not a nepo baby; immigrant mother & non-college degree father; he paid off his student loans; checked no box; asked for no special preferences.
“He got Twitter-famous for attacking his wife & her boss. But he’s earned respect for making his own way, relying on merit and hard work.”
George then tried to appease the hysterics on the Left, saying: “I love all of you even if you now hate me.”
It is odd that he would hate Trump so much that he’d sacrifice his wife. Equally strange is how he went from conservative to far-left. Money might have contributed. It’s not strange if you think of him as an attention seeking grifter.
Conway, a jealous misogynist, spent years humiliating his wife on social media.
We’ll likely never know what turned George Conway. Probably a consortium of issues like his wife’s immense success, her notoriety and maybe, a financial lure. What I do know, she’s a better woman than I, “Gunga Din.” I would have turned him out LONG ago, the man is REPULSIVE.
I DO feel very sorry for their children. It CAN NOT be easy for them.
An alternate interpretation.
Kelleyanne loves her husband despite all his foolishness. She meant it when she committed to “in sickness ad in health.” Her comments are her reaching out to literally save his soul and turn him from the path of destruction. If that is her purpose then let us encourage her.
That does not make George any less disgusting even if he is perhaps blissfully ignorant of what life is really all about.
I trust neither Conway.
Look at him. Probably a closeted homosexual. Gays are the ones who bring on the most hatred toward people like Trump. The wife? A frustrated attention whore. The daughter? A hard as nails attention seeker who looks like she’s been through the wringer with a lot of miles on her. They should all stay in their hole in Jersey.
The way you judge others will be the way you will be judged.
You seem to think you have the power to look at a picture and see secrets inside of the minds of others. Not so. That would be claiming a power that only belongs to God who will eventually judge you.
On of the most brilliant me who ever lived once wrote: In judging others take the words and actions of others in the kindest possible manner. He is he same man who told his emperor to destroy insurrectionist with death.