Lord of the Flies Philly


Philadelphia is becoming a living Lord of the Flies novel. Where are the parents of these children attacking random cars in the clip below?

This is the new normal in the Land of Larry Krasner and Joe Biden Democrats. Let’s not forget George Soros who funded Larry Krasner.

We would be remiss if we ignored AOC, the genius.



  1. leftism and blacks, one is gasoline the other is fire.

    Hence the horrifying things that are happening more and more where leftists are in charge and where a large population of blacks live.

    And it is going to get worse…for years…or decades.

    If they trhow Trump in prison, who will save Americans from the criminal insanity of Democrats?

    If you protest election results they will throw you in prison.

    Things will get worse and worse until something gives…will some states secede? will there be a civil war? something else? I don t know

    but things are not about to get better any time soon.


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