Marine LePen’s Impassioned Plea in the Dark Shadow of the WEF


The riots in France should be terrifying to Americans and to everyone in the West. Please notice that it alarmingly resembles what’s happening in the United States and other Western nations. It is the result of a hardcore leftist ideology. The Islamists may be the one’s rioting, but it is the left that is encouraging them, mollifying them, and telling them they’re victims and correct in their actions.

Why are they doing this? Because they believe The Great Reset is what is needed. They are firm believers in a global government. The only way they get to this feudal state is to destroy the systems of the various nations. To destroy sovereignty and law and order is to open a gate for tyranny far worse than any the West has ever experienced.

Ask yourself why this is happening throughout the West and examine what the World Economic Forum has predicted and mandated of their disciples.

AN IMPASSIONED PLEA FROM MARINE LE PEN (videos at the end with subtitles)

Marine Le Pen gave an impassioned plea to the nation to quell the “endemic state of disorder, violence, and destruction in the country, whose images and echoes are freezing with brutality in a nation that respects itself.”

“No reason, even dramatic, even emotional, can legitimize an anarchy that wants to settle scores. Attacks on people and goods, attacks on police and firefighters, massacres in town halls, school fires, or store robberies”…

The hardcore, ideological left has been very much part of these riots. They have encouraged and incited this rebellion. Marine Le Pen addresses that issue.

“Politicians or politicized unions who have taken the responsibility to morally exonerate these criminal acts even when they are overwhelmed by the insensitive movement of violence they have encouraged or even initiated, are themselves out of the republican field. They will take an indelible responsibility before the nation and history. I call on all citizens to challenge these anti-republican and extremist forces who, by their indirect calls to secession and their connivance and violence, lead the country on a terrible path of disorder.

“The recurring violence of years are now at levels never reached and now affects, from the smallest to the center of the big cities, including the heart of the capital. These terrible events bring our leadership back to reality, which the drunkenness of a solitary power and of crazy ideological constructions, especially in terms of immigration and your judicial laxity, had made them lose their sight.

The hordes of people with unlike values as we see in the United States is one of the plans of the globalists in the WEF and their allies in the other global organizations they’ve united with, such as the World Bank, the WHO, IMF, and so on. They’re even multiplying as we speak.

LePen Continues

“The prosperity of a people, as well as social cohesion, do not require an imminent grace, but for any nation, and attention of every moment, the fight of every day.

“Our country is entering a period of uncertainty and anxiety. As the leader of the first opposition force, I intend to stick to the line of conduct that is ours, to do nothing that can prevent or hinder the action of the legitimate authorities in charge of public order. I bring all my support to all the security forces deployed to stop these riots.

“On my part, I call on the cessation of violence in this, either by spontaneous intervention. like these admirable parents of courage and civility who will look for their children dragged into destructive madness, or as soon as it is necessary, by the legitimate force of law and justice.

“Faced with hordes taken by a destructive rage, there is no other immediate solution than the return to republican order…and if the situation should persist or worsen, by declaring a state of emergency.

“It is essential that all the forces of this state, often dispersed abroad or in subordinate actions, focus on the internal situation of a country that, throughout its history, has been able to overcome the forces of enslavement….”

LePen calls for the army if necessary and asks President Macron to bring together the National Assembly to come to a solution.

The problem is that President Macron is a disciple of the World Economic Forum (WEF), and they have predicted these riots and encouraged them through their disciples like Macron, who is currently doing too little to stop them. The WEF needs disorder and anarchy to put their feudal state in place. Watch the clip:






  1. EU and the Biden administration are on a path of democratic suicide, Paris is only the tip of the iceberg. We will all be fighting for our lives and standards of living, speaking, voting and movement are all in great jeopardy.

  2. One thing is for certain. The US had better wake up or go down. There are too many sleeping to even know whats going on, much less care.

  3. Americans won’t be terrified because American media refuses to cover the story. Most Americans don’t have a clue what’s going on.

      • The ‘test run’ of Covid proved the citizenry will capitulate and lay down like a rug. Biggest mistake of our society’s history.

  4. The seeds of destruction and decimation of a country through unchecked immigration comes from the subversive thinking of two Columbia University professors–Cloward and Piven. Their plan was for hoards of immigrants toenter and collapse a country by their sheer numbers and their demands for health, food, lodging and everything else, eventually bankrupting the country. This would be concurrent with Coudenhove-Kalergi plan for race-mixing of the citizens of the country with the new comers, creating a new mongrel race.

  5. These otherwise horrid events are considered, by the WEF of which Macron is an ideological evangelist and member in good standing, necessary growing pains on the way to their globalist utopia.

  6. Uncontrolled illegal immigration cannot succeed at anything but breeding mayhem and societal destruction. Coming to America unless something drastically changes.

  7. Did the French not fully expect this? What else could be the expected outcome of allowing in millions of immigrants who have no desire to assimilate or for whom assimilation into the liberal western culture is religiously impermissible, and who feel both aggrieved and entitled? Did you assume these Muslims would turn from their culture, embrace Catholicism, and become compliant little westernized citizens?

    Oh you foolish people; this is only just beginning and you have no good options to fix the mess you’ve created. Cities will burn, blood will spill, and the peaceful and decadent society you once enjoyed will never be the same.

  8. Something tells me wef has bitten off more than it can chew. It will be their undoing. They think they have a plan, the patriots are taking down their infastructure to deliver their will to the people. I will take great pleasure in seing them completely obliterated from the world’s existence.

    • It is not just the WEF,it is also UN and WHO ,THE EUGENICIST SOCIETIES and all those whose families support them by creating wars no sane person believes in.The fact that the media is also in their corner by suppressing truths shows who the enemy actually is.Governments of all nations have shown the white flag and now have less than 3 months to act before all this mayhem becomes international law.A GENERALis needed but I cannot see him or her.

  9. It is hard to believe that this great lady did not win the last election. Even give the misguided French and their leftist junk media, election crimes must have been involved.

    • It is intentional, they bring it millions of people, encourage them to not assimilate, support them so they do not work, and do not enforce laws.


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