Former federal prosecutor Andrew Weissmann, who led the fake Russiagate probe for Rober Mueller, said Donald Trump’s speech on Tuesday night defending himself was a confession. He also said a worse charge might be waiting in NJ.
[Convince me they’re not out to get him. Now they’re going to nitpick everything he says.]
“Part of what he said is just a straight-out confession,” Weissmann told MSNBC’s Lawrence O’Donnell. “It’s not a defense. It’s a confession.”
Speaking at his country club in Bedminster, New Jersey, Trump told supporters he had “every right under the Presidential Records Act” to keep the sensitive documents found at his Mar-a-Lago home during an FBI search last summer.
O’Donnell later asked what was the confession.
“When you are charged with the illegal retention ― the possession, the illegal possession of the documents ― it is not a good idea to say, ‘Hey, you want to know why I took these? Because I could,’” he said. “That is not a defense to that charge. That is an admission to the charge.”
Weissmann is a dirty cop. We’ve already researched him and reported about his corruption.
Ryan Goodman and Andrew Weissman speculated in a piece in The Atlantic that none of the 37 counts outlined in the 49-page indictment include a charge of dissemination of classified information, a “steeper” charge.
They believe it is because the incident occurred in New Jersey:
“According to the Justice Department and a taped recording of the former president, Trump took classified records from Mar-a-Lago to Bedminster, where he showed off the contents of such records to others. The indictment alleges that Trump showed a map to a political ally and also showed a writer and a publisher a secret military plan to attack Iran. These two episodes were arguably the most egregious allegations of criminal wrongdoing mentioned in the indictment; they allege not just the improper retention of our nation’s most highly classified information, but the intentional communication of such information.”
[This is extremely ruthless.]
Weissmann is a winy wimp! A crook. A Jerk!
Since all of the charges are fake (again) anyway, eventually the DOJ will simply imprison Trump with no charges or trial.
Confessed to what? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?
Taking a stand for America is not a confession. What a bunch of lunatics!
These dishonest, plotting and scheming anti-Americans are bringing civil war to this country. That is their plan. They will blame it all on non-wokers, and then hope they will be able to take over the country with no opposition, USSR style. If true justice had been meted out to H Clinton, it would never have reached this stage. The suckers have no idea that they are bringing down on their own heads exactly what they want to do to others. There will be no winners when this is all over.
“…then hope they will be able to take over the country with no opposition, USSR style.” They already have. It happened on Election
DayMonth 2020. That’s why the DOJ and FBI have been free to act in such a blatantly Soviet manner since FJB was installed.Trump was exactly right in what he said. There is even precedent for it in the form of Bill Clinton keeping tapes in his sock drawer. A judge threw the case against him out citing the act.
Lots of things are possible in failed America.
The chance to save America began long ago, but the people did not act, we cannot expect Trump to do it. There is a massive legal assault underway against him, from a least 3 directions. The GOP, entirely complicit in it, now whine about some letter they wanted to see about Biden, which they had already read. The corrupt RINOs have jumped off that show and onto another.
Biden sold national secrets to China, that is why they paid him and his family millions of dollars.
It’s the old “Show Me the man I’ll find a crime” routine.
The communists love that path.