New Normal: Kilmeade Interviews Shokin, Pretends It’s a Bombshell


Brian Kilmeade interviewed Viktor Shokin, the Ukrainian prosecutor who was fired after Joe Biden threatened to withhold $1 billion in aid if they didn’t fire him. The prosecutor was investigating Burisma, which had hired Hunter Biden and his friend Devon Archer for an outrageous sum to just sit on their Board. Emails showed they expected influence.

The interview was touted as a “bombshell” “exclusive” interview, which it wasn’t. Rudy Giuliani and others had this information for years. In fact, in early August, Shokin gave an identical interview.

Fox must be desperate for ratings, but dishonesty won’t do a thing for them.

KILMEADE: Why were you fired from your position by President Poroshenko?

SHOKIN: Have said repeatedly in my previous interviews that Poroshenko fired me at the insistence of then Vice President Biden because I was investigating Burisma.

KILMEADE: So, did President Poroshenko tell you that? That he wanted you to stay on the job, but there was pressure from Vice President Biden?

SHOKIN: You understood me correctly. This is how it was. There were no complaints whatsoever, no problems with how I was performing at my job. But because pressure was repeatedly put on President Poroshenko, that is what ended up in him firing me.

KILMEADE: What are your thoughts when you saw the tape of Vice President Biden speaking to the Council on Foreign Relations saying you had six hours to fire you or you’re not going to get the billion dollars?

SHOKIN: Not only the position of President Poroshenko, the office of President Poroshenko was humiliated, but the entire country of Ukraine was humiliated. And I developed a very firm understanding of the fact that Vice President, the vice president, was only acting in his own interests. He, generally speaking, handled Ukraine like it was his own backyard. He would put people that were suitable for him. He will arrange for them to be put in certain positions.

KILMEADE: Why were you looking into Burisma?

SHOKIN: The reason I oversaw the Burisma case was because I was the Prosecutor General. Burisma was an ordinary case. There wasn’t anything particularly different about it. The reason that I was handling it was because it deserved a special mention. It was on a list of cases that merited special attention because Hunter Biden was involved with Burisma, and of course, his father, the Vice President Biden, at the time, oversaw Ukraine affairs for the White House.

It goes on with nothing new. Fox described it as “explosive,” but it’s more of the same, and the Biden DOJ will never do a thing because their job is to protect the corrupt Bidens at all costs.




  1. Trump Tucker 262M views
    FOX hyped debate 12M views
    FOX Kilmeade interview maybe 2 dozen views

    Why anyone is paying for cable TV
    Do you also have a telephone
    line to your home?

  2. Bombshell? Kilmeade and Doocy are the new Heckle and Jeckle…

    Joe Xiden himself released said bombshell news on TV years ago, when he told the World he instructed Poroshenko to fire Shokin or he would not get the 1 BIl in taxpayer’s loot…

    What many are overlooking is Xiden’s remarks when Poroshenko told him he could not w/hold the $ BIl because he was not the president. Xiden replied that he could do so and if Poroshenko thought he could not, for him to Call The Hussein, who would inform him (Poroshenko) that he was sadly mistaken … That part about Hussein backing up Xiden was left unsaid, but the “Call Him” meaning call Hussein, insinuated Hussein knew that Xiden would be pressuring Poroshenko, and that Hussein would back up Xiden’s call for firing Shokin or NO BIl…

  3. Thanks for great accurate reporting. This dullard Kilmeade may not fully realize that this reporting is old news and actually plagiarism. Shokin has been trying to get out his message for years.

    One of the outrageous things about this Faux report is that it was one of the networks blocking this information when it became available, as it also censored anything about Giuliani from its broadcasts.

    That little OAN outdid Faux again (so did this site). OAN has been rerunning its Ukraine specials, the best reporting in the business. Last week they showed one of Michael Caputo’s shows on Ukraine, where he also had some direct knowledge. OAN has 6 hours of specials on Ukraine, compared to the scanty reporting of minutes by Faux the past 4 years.

  4. BRIAN KILMEADE LOOKS LIKE THE DOG BRIAN FROM FAMILY GUY. HE ALWAYS LOOKS LIKE HE WANTS A PAT ON THE HEAD, AND TOLD HE IS A GOOD BOY![wpd-tenor full=’HklvbIPp3OYAAAAM/family-guy-brian-griffin.gif’ preview=’HklvbIPp3OYAAAAe/family-guy-brian-griffin.png’ width=’287′ height=’498′]


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