New York City Paid Billions to People Who Failed the Test


Black and Hispanic people who failed the teaching exam were given billions because the test must be racist. At least, that’s what a judge in New York City thought and ruled accordingly.

If they took the public service exams required to become a teacher and failed, they get a windfall. Some of those people will receive millions of dollars and possibly even start collecting pension benefits despite never working a day in their lives in the public school system.

About 53% of blacks and 50% of Hispanics failed the test, while Asians and whites achieved high scores of 93%. So, of course, it has to be that the test is racist.

“New York City will pay nearly $2 billion to black and Hispanic people who wanted to become teachers but failed the exam, settling a lawsuit that alleged that the disparate passage rates showed that the test was racist.

“Some individuals who never worked as teachers will get more than $1 million each, and could even get pensions which will inflate the cost well beyond $1.8 billion, the New York Post reported. The Post interviewed 64-year-old Herman Grim, who will be paid $2,055,383 after failing the test “a lot.” He could not provide any examples of how the questions were racist.

“One anonymous Brooklyn principal told The Post the city was “crazy” to settle the case because “The standards are the standards … To hire people who are not qualified and change the requirements because a certain group didn‘t pass the test is bulls**t.”

It’s the largest legal payout in city history. The city is throwing money away.

Court rulings found the exam violated civil-rights laws, allowing far more white candidates to pass.

The minorities failed the test – the licensing exam – because they didn’t know the information. The test is easy. I took it years ago. It’s very easy, and it’s the absolute minimum of general knowledge a teacher should have.

They’re getting one to two million apiece and never worked a day.

This is the result of passing children through school without competence. It’s not racism.



  1. It’s very important that they label the tests as being racist, or else their entire woke agenda would be in jeopardy when they are forced to admit some uncomfortable truths.

  2. This crap is getting so out of hand! I hope all you liberals voting for Democrats have this come home to roost in your lap personally. Quit voting these lunatics in! Lets get a petition that requires Democrats that voted this stuff in are the only ones that will have to pay for it!

  3. The best cure for this problem would be to administer a test for logical thinking to the judges who come up with such asinine rulings.

  4. That reminds me of an episode of Seinfeld where Elaine complains IQ tests are made for men, so Jerry Seinfeld tells her in a very sarcastic tone ; ” yeah because there are so many questions about testicles and hunting !”

    my point being; of course teacher’s tests are not made for whites and asians

    I have never seen the test but if it has questions such as name the great lakes or what is the square root of 25, there is nothing in there that is specific to whites or asians

    the only reason blacks and hispanics fail the test is that on average they are less intelligent and possess less general knowledge ( as lower IQ people often do, because they have little intellectual curiosity, they know less, they remember less, they understand less…they fail tests more…it has nothing to do with race)

    If we are to give a couple million dollars to each of those who can not succeed we will soon run out of money because of the 8 Billion humans on this planet over half have IQs of about 90.

    I am sorry but multiculturalism and diversity are destroying Western Civilization

    Importing hordes of incompatible people for whom we must lower the bar and to whom we must pay Trillions of dollars because they cannot perform like whites or asians is suicide.

    Those people increase crime rates, increase the number of people who are on welfare, increase the number of people who need ( free) health services, increase the percentage of the population that have IQs too low to go to college or obtain any type of diploma and thus do not contribute much to our civilization.

    and for every problem they cause, we tax payer must pay.

    mass immigration and multiculturalism are suicide for Western Civilization.

    but the left is chanting ” more! more ! faster ! faster !”

    Of the 6 or 7 Million illegals Biden has invited in with open arms, how many are engineers? doctors? scientists? how many will find a cure for rare disease, or build better cars that use less fuel or less electricity? How many have skills that will make the USA a better place?

    inviting the world into our nations is committing suicide…it is a slow motion suicide, it will take decades, but it is a suicide.

    And soon it will be illegal to post comments like this one.

    After democrats steal the 2024 election they will impose laws that will make it illegal to tell the truth about non-whites and immigrants.

    Think that is impossible? they just did it in Ireland…

    • In Germany of the aproximately 2 million middle eastern “””refugees””” ( they are not refugees ) they took in, most either do not speak German nor English and most are illiterate or semi-illiterate and most possess no skills ( they are not electricians, plumbers, dentists etc etc )

      They cost tax payers a lot of money and they increase crime rates a lot ( I don t have Germany’s numbers but In Sweden about 80% of rapes are done by non white migrants )

      They are dead weight, they contribute nothing.

      Yet the left wants us to import more of that, the left is chanting; ” MORE!!! FASTER !!!”

      It is suicide.


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