Tucker Carlson interviewed Mike Pence and Asa Hutchinson, likely ending their campaigns. He didn’t have to do much. Asking questions and following up when they answered dishonestly seemed to be enough.
It would be remiss to not mention how inadequate Nikki Haley’s interview was.
“I don’t think anyone would say Joe Biden was a great candidate,” Tucker said.
Haley responded, “No, he didn’t campaign. He didn’t campaign at all.
CARLSON: “He was not a figure who commanded respect among Democrats. They made fun of him. I’m not attacking the guy, but that’s true, right? Nobody in Washington said I want my kid to grow up to be Joe Biden. and yet, at the end of the day, he’s got 81 million votes, 15 million more than Barack Obama, who, whatever you think of him, was a very talented politician, and I think smart. So, like, how did he do that, and what can we learn from that?”
HALEY: “Well, what you can learn from it is what we did in South Carolina. I said in South Carolina, if you’ve got to show a picture ID to buy Sudafed, if you’ve got to show a picture ID to get on a plane, you should have to show picture ID to protect the integrity of the election process.
“We have to make sure election integrity is something we don’t ever stop. You have to continue over and over. We’ve had some states who’ve done some great things, and they put voter ID in place, and that’s been great.
“We still have some other states who haven’t done anything, and we need to make sure we’re doing what we’re supposed to.
“I mean, we saw during COVID a lot of people, a lot of secretaries of state changed rules without getting state legislative support. We saw a lot of that happening. We saw a lot of mail-out balloting. We’ve got to make sure we continue to fight to make sure we have integrity in the election process because I saw at the United Nations, you never, when you have your people lose faith in an election system, that’s the first crack of a country falling apart.
“We have to keep fighting for this. We have to make sure we get it done.”
CARLSON: “So, when I asked about the 81 million votes, you immediately said things I think I agree with about election integrity, so are you suggesting that that last election – sounds like you’re saying you don’t think it was on the level.
HALEY: “You’re talking about the presidential?”
CARLSON: “That’s correct, the President.”
HALEY: “No, I mean, yeah, I think we all know that there were irregularities in there and that there were some issues that happened. We know that there was mail-out balloting that shouldn’t have happened. I – do I think that changed the results of the election? No, I mean, I think President Biden ended up winning the election, but I think at the end of the day, it showed we’ve got a lot of work to do in terms of election integrity.”
It’s hard to believe Mrs. Haley could say something that dishonest. She went through a lengthy answer about irregularities and then said Biden won (with 81 million votes?). Haley said that with a straight face. She stuck with the narrative like a good establishment candidate.
When he asked her about the presidential, she was suddenly aware that she could get in trouble and blatantly lied. From her lengthy answer, it’s clear that she knows Biden didn’t legitimately get 81 million votes – more than Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton.
ROUND 4: Nikki Haley goes on long-winded rant describing all of the ‘irregularities’ that took place during the 2020 election just to finish by saying that she thinks Biden legitimately won 81M votes.
Tucker doesn’t even need to try to make these people look like fools. They do… pic.twitter.com/hdM6GwkNXk
— Collin Rugg (@CollinRugg) July 14, 2023
The question of the 2020 election is an acid test for the candidates. Haley failed as she has many times, this time with lots of associated inconsistencies.
“No, I mean, I think President Biden ended up winning the election, but I think at the end of the day, it showed we’ve got a lot of work to do in terms of election integrity.”
Is M. Dowling’s observation that Nikki Haley’s statement the election was not stolen is dishonest the best interpretation?
Figures reported
Reported total 2000 Gore 50.5 Bush 50 m
2004 Bush 62m Kerry 59m Dif 3m Dem vote jump 21%
2008 Obama 70m McCain 60m Dif 10m
2012 Obama 66m Romney 61 Dif 5m Dem vote decrease by 15%
2016 Hillary 66m Trump 63 m Dif 3m No Dem increase
2020Biden 81m 74m Dif 7m 22% jump
https://uselectionatlas.org/RESULTS/index.html 20230717 07:47GMT
Other possible interpretations:
Haley is looking at it differently from an over vote view.
That would ignore antics in Detroit and many other places that seemed like cheating.
Haley is cautious and does not want to claim a crime not judge in court.
Is she brave enough to lead the USA in the current world climate?
I can’t say she lied, but she sure does no pass the ‘ready to be president’ smell test.
Footnote: I believe the obscene jump in Dem votes in 2008 and 2020 smells like a lot of fraud.
Did you really think she would come out and say the election was stolen? She would have sunk her campaign, accused of being an election denier. Where I grew up in a big city, almost everyone from my former area voted for Biden. It was sickening. Working class democrat neighborhoods voted for the fool who campaigned from his basement. I guess the desire for free shit was just too overwhelming. So many voted for Biden because they just have a hatred for Trump. Did Biden get those 81 million votes for real? No, many were fraudulent but I bet he did get millions of votes for real. When several states showed something dishonest going on in the vote tally, Trump should have stopped those states elections and declared some sort of martial law in those states and conducted a new election with the military watching over it. He failed to do so and counted on milquetoast Pence to save him. He was wrong. If he declared martial law, what would congress have done. Impeach him? LOL
Yup! At least in the “iffy” states, the ballots should have been impounded pending a “fully supervised” recount…
Lala keeps making clever points.
Interesting idea. Trump had more control than Pence and failed to exercise it.
Bottom line: learn from the mistakes of the past and do better now.
Republicans! Heed the words of St. Paul to the Galatians (5:15)
But if you keep on biting and devouring one another, watch out that you are not consumed by one another.
That is incorrect, Barr blocked all action, was caught demanding people no investigate.
How did you folks try to morph this story on Haley’s incorrect response on a gargantuan issue, to suddenly this is Trump’s fault?
That is entirely silly. I expect candidates to be honest on such a huge issue. A president cannot stop state elections. Barr resisted sending in investigators to the contested states which had delayed voting. The senate would have immediately removed Trump from office if he declared a state emergency.
What I see in your post is absolving Haley, a deep state ally, and blaming Trump for the loss. That is inverted thinking.