Racist sanctuary city Mayor Eric Adams purchased $50,000 in plane tickets to send 114 migrants, mostly back to Florida and Texas. Those states aren’t sanctuary cities. People are called racist if they don’t want unvetted illegal immigration, which makes Adams a racist.
The Left wants them based in red states where they will vote for Democrats, not where Democrats live.
Politico’s New York bureau obtained documents showing that City Hall shelled out roughly $50,000 between April 2022 and April 2023 to resettle 114 recent arrivals outside the five boroughs. A few went back to South America and China.
The New York Post previously revealed that City Hall was paying companies to provide “re-ticketing” services to migrants.
City Hall Responds
“The Texas governor chartered buses to New York City and placed asylum seekers, many of whom did NOT want to come here, on multi-day journeys without food, limited water, few bathroom breaks, and no medical attention,” said City Hall spokeswoman Kate Smart.
“New York City has, as we have discussed very publicly for months, worked to connect individuals with friends, family, and networks whether in New York City or outside of it,” she added. “We are not coercing people to leave, we are not suggesting or recommending locations, and we are not presenting any kind of false choice.“
Smart is a liar. Every person who went to New York City signed waivers in their own language that said they wanted to go. The waivers were published on them with photos of the illegals signing them. They had food and water.
Adams Spent $50,000 on 114 Illegals.
The 114 migrants represent just a tiny fraction of the nearly 79,000 asylum seekers who have arrived in New York City since the start of the surge from the southern border last year.
More than half of the migrants live in the Big Apple’s scandal-scarred homeless shelter system or in emergency facilities set up by the city’s public hospitals corporation.
All told, nearly 100,000 people are living in the care of the city in June, figures show, which is twice the number of last year.
Meanwhile, about seven million have entered the US illegally under Joe Biden, including a rash of criminals and terrorists.
Additionally, the number of people on the terror watchlist (these are only the ones we caught):
- FY’23 (so far): 125
- FY’22 : 98
- FY’21: 15
- FY’20: 3
- FY’19: 0
- FY’18: 6
- FY’17: 2
It took 19 to launch 9/11.
In the meantime, drugs are pouring in. Nogales Port Director Michael W. Humphries tweeted: in the last three days, CBP officers at the Nogales POE seized: Approx—784,200 fentanyl pills, 169.5 lbs meth, 10.90 lbs heroin, 5.80 lbs cocaine In six loads. Concealment methods included floor, roof, tire, panels, body, and baggage. K9 and technology contributed to these successes.
Our moronic politicians are destroying us, and most Americans don’t seem to care, certainly not the Democrats in power.
The correct thing for Adams to do is insist Biden close the borders.
Additionally, let’s not forget the traitors among us.
We have traitors to this country selling homes to illegal aliens.
Send them to Martha’s Vineyard and Deleware.