One Beef Company Will Never Inject mRNA in Their Cows


In the name of climate change, scientists are enthusiastically working to replace meat with substitutes they invent in a lab. They’re also busy with mRNA vaccines for animals.

If mRNA meat doesn’t work out, we always have fake and lab-grown meat. You can add some nice insects to that. We have some insect companies producing food made from the bottom feeders of the Earth.

One beef company will never inject cows with mRNA vaccine. The company, Whole Cow, will never give their cows mRNA. The CEO, Jason Nelson, said he’d shut the company down first.

“I’ll shut down the company before we ship a single bag of mRNA-injected meat,” he said. “That’s why we’re growing as quickly as possible to achieve the buying power to produce large amounts. We’re relatively small now, but we want to have a surplus of tens of thousands of bags of beef by 2024,” reports Gateway Pundit.

Burping, farting cow.

All-American. No mRNA vaccines. Sous vides and freeze-dried. This is the beef you seek.

Our cows have NEVER and will NEVER receive mRNA vaccines. Our visitors can take advantage of 15% off at checkout with promo code “tgp15”.

Americans want to eat well today, but we also want to have great food to eat if things go south in a hurry. But unlike most companies that take the cheapest, worst parts of the cow, turn them into “beef crumbles,” and freeze dry them in hopes that their customers will never actually try to eat it, our premium beef cubes are sous vide, freeze-dried, and ready to be eaten today or in a decade. We WANT you to eat our beef now so you can buy more!

Producers are not required or mandated to vaccinate their livestock for any disease. It is a personal and business decision left to the producer and will remain that way, Associated Press shared in an article.

In an April 5 statement, the association said beef cattle are vaccinated to treat and prevent an array of diseases, but none of those vaccines use mRNA technology.


Meanwhile, scientists have come up with lab-grown meat. They take a cell from a chicken and produce a meal after the colossal failure of fake meat.

It sounds like we will only eat processed foods in the future.

On Wednesday, the United States Department of Agriculture gave the go-ahead to two companies to sell meat products grown from cultured cells. The companies are Upside Foods and Good Meat.

They are trying to sell it as more humane and sustainable.

They have FDA confirmation that it’s safe to consume. Don’t take that to the bank though.




  1. I read that the FDA also does not required the fake meat be labeled as lab grown so unless you get your meat from a known source of real meat, the consumer doesn’t know if they’re getting it instead of real meat. I also read this dangerous substance will be first sold to restaurants as if they need more problems. People are already not going out to eat because of the cost, a burden government put on all of us called inflation.

  2. Fake steaks are NOT grown from a chicken, it’s from a cancer cell taken from a black woman in the 1950’s.



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